Continuos Midi Activity

I recently install Korg USB driver and uses with Cubase , and works fine.
Today, I rehook up USB to Moxf8 and I notice Cubase Midi activity display constant activity, without any sounds, even when I don t play any sequence or touch the keyboard.??
I uninstalled Korg USB driver, however the Midi activity still remain the same.
Cubase Midi activity.png


This activity is on the output side, not on the input (what I would expect more). So Cubase has to transmit always some data for some reason. Could you provide some more screenshots and info, please? The whole Transport panel, Or Project Synchronization Setup (if this is also in your Cubase version)… Are you using any Generic Remote Device, or Mackie Control?

Hi Martin,
Tks for reply:
I don t use any generic remote device:
Cubase Ai7 on Apple Mac
Yamaha Moxf8 / Yamaha/Steinberg USB Driver latest version 1.9.0-2

I have also did a reload of Cubase Ai7 and USB driver as well, I also reset my MOXf to factory mode and turn off the Midi Seq,& Clock as well. I even create a new empty project just to test.

I also check on Apple Mac Midi.

Dear Martin.
Qte// This activity is on the output side, not on the input (what I would expect more). So Cubase has to transmit always some data for some reason. // unqte

Do I understand correctly, that Cubase always transmit some data, therefore it is "normal "to have the Midi Activity as always “active”
even when no sequence or live playing on the keyboard ?
Cubase Midi activity.png

Hi Martin,

Upon several trouble shootings, notice that if I load back a .Cpr file of my past work with Moxf, there is no Midi Activity. :slight_smile:

However, if I load back a .CPR file which was previously used with PA900, it prompts, Missing PA900 Midi ports.
I can click. cancel or OK without doing anything above, which opens the .CPR file, in the Inspector with Missing PA900, thus I can choose to Moxf Midi ports individually, and it works but "with the midi activity continuously active.

When I am prompt with the Missing PA900 midi ports, I can also choose Yamaha Moxf Port 1, and the whole tracks in the .CPR file shows as Yamaha Moxf in the Inspector , but again with the Midi activity.

Pls see attachment.

Looks to me that Cubase cannot erase that Prompt window ( Pa900) even I have already deleted Korg USB driver.
How can I default it by not prompting Pa900 missing ports ? or any suggestions.

Thank you


The conitnuous MIDI Activity is because of your setup in the Project Synchronization Setup. You are continuously sendind the MIDI Timecode out (to the Yamaha). But I think, this is not necessary. You are using internal Sync in Yamaha anyway, so you don’t sync it.

I stop sync, noresults… pls guide

no results

In Cubase, set Internal Sync. But don’t send the MIDI Clock to any destination.

Dear Martin,

I did as per your advice “In Cubase, set Internal Sync. But don’t send the MIDI Clock to any destination.”
Continuos Midi activity is still there.

Hi Martin,
By creating a new project and disable Sync in Project Sync Setup does not seem to help as well.
3/ If I set All Midi IN as None, then the Midi activity is gone. Similarly, If I set MIDI Out as None, Midi activity is gone as well.
Pls see screenshot.

Thank you.


OK, one more thing, could you please send a screenshot of your settings in the Devoces > Device Setup > Yamaha MOXF?

Sure can.

Sorry, I meen the one from the Remote Devices folder.

OK, here it is. I would say, if you switch the Output to Not Connected, the outgoing activity stops. But it could be, Yamaha will not be in sync then (I don’t mean the time-syncing, but what it is shown on the Yamaha display).

Good Morning martin,

I have done that, and still the same. Pls see screenshot


Interesting what are you sending? :slight_smile:

Hi Martin,


The “Continuos Midi Activity” is active from Midi Activity OUT ,as discussed from the beginning.

However, I can still work on it,that is good. , as long I ignore that " Constant Moving Bar" I am fine…