Create warp markers not working properly?

For some reason, when editing Audio, the “Create warp markers” from Hitpoints doesn’t fully work. See example: while there are hitpoints detected, when I create, not all warp markers are created; sometimes also missing the back part of the event, etc. Has anyone else experienced this?

Here are the hitpoints:

Here is the result when I switch to AudioWarp:

According to your second screenshot not a single warp marker was created. Are you sure you pressed the button in the Hitpoints section?

Yes… multiple times… sometimes it’s not created at all. If I then Select All (Ctrl-A) and do it again, it works but some markers are dropped… it’s very strange…

Did anyone else encounter this issue? Just had it again… Hitpoints are all ok

But warp markers not…

See how warp markers are created starting before the event, but then it stops early, so the latter part of the events gets no markers?

This is Cubase 14.0.10

The issue is that “Warp marker” creation uses the very beginning of a recording vs. the selected “Event Start” when doing Warp marker creation. Length is properly followed. Here’s an extreme example, where I wanted to warp markers on part of the third take. Hitpoints are within “Event Start/End” - warp markers get created at the very beginning of the recording

I tried for a couple of hours to reproduce this behaviour - to no avail. It just works correctly on my side.
You could temporarily use Cubase with factory settings in order to see if the culprit is within the preference files.

Your folder will be called Cubase 14_64.

Thank you for checking…! It’s bizarre: when trying to re-create a dummy situation in a new file, I don’t get the issue either… Will need to watch.

@Johnny_Moneto I re-tried in a blank project. The issue only happens if you group your Events to a Part, and then, within that Part, start editing with Hitpoints. If you work on Events that are not in a Part, there’s no issue.

Can you reproduce this by any chance? I also have a small sample project otherwise…

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Awesome, I can reproduce it now. Well, not awesome, but… you know what I mean.

Indeed… what’s the best hope to get this fixed? :slight_smile: Thank you!

The best hope? … is to be hopeful. :grin:
The best way forward? I’d say you’ve done what you could already.

At least now you know the workaround: Disolve the part before creating warp markers, then put it back into a part afterwards.