For some reason, when editing Audio, the “Create warp markers” from Hitpoints doesn’t fully work. See example: while there are hitpoints detected, when I create, not all warp markers are created; sometimes also missing the back part of the event, etc. Has anyone else experienced this?
Yes… multiple times… sometimes it’s not created at all. If I then Select All (Ctrl-A) and do it again, it works but some markers are dropped… it’s very strange…
The issue is that “Warp marker” creation uses the very beginning of a recording vs. the selected “Event Start” when doing Warp marker creation. Length is properly followed. Here’s an extreme example, where I wanted to warp markers on part of the third take. Hitpoints are within “Event Start/End” - warp markers get created at the very beginning of the recording
I tried for a couple of hours to reproduce this behaviour - to no avail. It just works correctly on my side.
You could temporarily use Cubase with factory settings in order to see if the culprit is within the preference files.
@Johnny_Moneto I re-tried in a blank project. The issue only happens if you group your Events to a Part, and then, within that Part, start editing with Hitpoints. If you work on Events that are not in a Part, there’s no issue.
Can you reproduce this by any chance? I also have a small sample project otherwise…