Cubase 10.5 next week?

My understanding from browsing this forum, is that the Qt Framework that Cubase uses for development is the main reason for dropping support for older OSes. Features required to move Cubase forward, eg improved Windows HiDPI support, are only available within newer versions of the framework that don’t support older versions of the OS.

You’ve just highlighted that it IS true - You decide when you want to upgrade or get out-dated, not Steinberg. Steinberg do whats best for their product and if fixes or features that progress that product requires a move to newer frameworks/OS then that’s just how it is. The majority users embrace and look forward to utilising new updates and features.

Anyone sitting on a 10 year old OS can’t complain about another company leaving them outdated, it’s backwards thinking. No-ones knocking down the doors of Win 7 owners and refusing them use of C10.

Go visit their offices and make their new frameworks fully compliant with Win 7 then, if it’s just a marketing strategy it should be easy, right?
You realise you’re accusing Steinberg of misleading it’s customers to sell more copies of Win 10? How that makes any sense is beyond me… Unless Yamaha are actually Microsoft in disguise?

This is a marketing ‘problem’ for them, not ‘strategy’… Dropping support for it’s longterm customers has no marketing benefits whatsover, care to explain further? lol

I have been sitting out waiting for .5 to come out assuming it’s going to be more stable than 10.0.

I am on OS X.

It’s available now. I’ve just bought the update from pro 10.

Naughty boy lol :wink:

Yes, it was first up only in Steinberg Download assistant, but now first available to buy in the shop.

Well. lll be damned. I was just about to post it’s probably getting released Friday.

Yes! How dare Steinberg stop supporting a version of Windows that Microsoft itself will no longer be supporting come January!


As the forum deserts… VIDEOS, uploading right now!!!

First two questions for this new update

Will it Automatically show up in download assistant or do I have to do something in licence manager software.

I’m that guy with the 20 year old fossilised dongle. It was a perfectly reasonable question. I have no issues with cubase. It runs perfectly fine. I was just curious. So why don’t you get off your high horse.

It showed in my machine… downloading now, I wonder what’s new!

it’s available in the download manager, Downloading now

I can’t see any mention of Windows HiDPI improvements. Will wait for confirmation before taking the plunge…

can we just stop with the OS discussion and take it to another thread? you won´t change each other´s minds.

I like a lot what I am seeing in cubase 10.5 that delay looks very nice

If you’re going to allege duplicity by Steinberg, you need to provide some actual evidence.