I hate to have to do this, but I really want to get someone, anyone’s eyes on this, since we CC121 owners have been screaming our heads off into an apparent void for literally years now with no one at Steinberg seeming to notice:
This device could be made so, so much more useful to us if you’d just appoint some engineers to read through the thread and make note of our suggestions, as you have with 10.5 (which I just bought and installed, by the way… you know what put me over the edge? Hot keys for snap on/off and acoustic feedback on/off!)
Please, at long, long last, show the CC121 some love, Steinberg! The acceleration curves just kill it for me, and I want to love it! I use the VSTi GUI open/close button by far more than anything else. This could be so, so much more useful and you could sell a lot more of them with some simple software changes!