Cubase 10.5 Out Now

FWIW, I have been C10.5 quite heavily last day and I have to say, it runs totally stable and very good (and I think I am on much crappier computing specs than most of the heavy Cubase users on here). The update is totally worth it.

Hi guys. I was going to do a Cubase 10.5 New Features video for youtube but it didn’t go smoothly and discovered a few bugs and a flaw in the process. Luckily they are all captured on video as part of my review Cubase 10.5 Update, New Features review, testing and finding issues/bugs but I summarize the issues/bugs on my blog post here: Cubase 10.5 Update Review - A New Feature Has a Flaw - Current Sound

The most annoying would be that importing a channel setting(s) in the new Import Tracks/Setting from Project wipes all existing Automation data on the track it is importing to (when import Automation is un-ticked). When you open that project up and manually ‘Save Selected Channels’ and manually load them back in, the Automation doesn’t get wiped, so the new system (which was actually a feature request of mine on this forum) doesn’t completely replace having to do manually in those situations. I’m hoping this can be fixed in a maintenance update?

I’ll put this one and the others I found in the ‘issues’ sub forum when I have a moment free.

amen +100 urgenxcy

I stopped using VCAs because of this bug

There is a, albeit, not perfect workaround if you flatten the VCA before you go to automate a track within its level adjustment.

the only main problem with the workaround, is if you need more than +6db headroom on the VCA

So where´s my free full GA then, kind of stupid answer from you, if you think it thru…

GA is a far more extensive program than Padshop… have you ever used the full version of GA? It’s nearly a DAW in itself.

You must be working for Steinberg, you´re defending every crossed word about them or their software. Speaking behind “nick” is like making yourself dick, I just asked what´s for us, that do those stupid purchases. If not GA then why not Porticos, keep defending, I´m out

Why do you attack on me on public forum for asking things, never said that there´s anything wrong about the update, other than Padshop Pro users? Calling me a loser, well you made yourself one. About crap music, it´s all in your head, maybe not everyones cup of tea, but at least i´m expressing myself

Tested on previous project from CS 10 that is heavy on samples/plugins. Everything loaded fine - no crashes, a tad smoother GUI.
Not very innovative update but I always consider CS 10 already great update. Could use some of the new features.
It’s been smooth ride since 9/9.5 versions (dreadful 8 and 8.5 version)
Is it worth the money? Well, I’m pro musician so I guess it’s important to be updated.

Good job Steinberg :slight_smile:

Still not getting it. Is there an insult?

are there any improvements to ara2, audio align or variaudio ?

I want to to know the answer to this also

I don’t own padshop pro, but wow, that was a big slap in a face from steinberg for you padshop pro owners

Perhaps some discount for Padshop pro owners or is Padshop 3 in the offing?

Hmmm… I bought Padshop Pro a few weeks after release, so I am a long time owner.
I don’t feel particularly offended by Padshop 2 being free with this update. I got more than enough hours of usefulness out of my purchase, and I am frankly glad that I get version 2 for free now. Why should I be mad that other “upgraders” also get Padshop 2 for free? They did not had all that fun and nice times with Padshop Pro that I had, so I had something they could only dream of for a long time. That was worth the money.

So - No. I am not offended at all…

Very logical and reasonable…
Not logical or reasonable to think a piece of software can’t or won’t go down in price, go on sale, become free, or be included in a bundle in the future. Bottom line is that previous purchasers got the product at the terms and price they agreed to. The terms and price at which someone else gets the product is irrelevant. Company of Heroes 2 is FREE on steam this weekend. Should players who bought it three years ago and have been playing it and enjoying it since then be upset? Of course not…

And, oh by the way, I bought Absolute years ago, then bought HALion, and then they included HALion in Absolute (3 I think) and I upgraded, having “paid for HALion, partially at least, twice”. Did I complain? No. But I did sell my separate HALion license and broke about even price wise and got to Use HALion for a year or so sooner than Absolute 3. I assume Padshop Pro upgraders still have their separate license so just sell it.

I dont think its a slap. it was just weird that steinberg did this big push to sell padshop pro 1 last summer and then just migrate the product into padshop 2. i am sure the mgmt and devs were fully aware that it was going to get streamline into padshop 2 last summer.

you only get padshop 2 free if you bought cubase pro 10.5. you can’t assume everyone who bought padshop pro is also a cubase pro owner.

For peeps that don’t own C 10.5 pro, the cost to upgrade from Pad Pro 1 is $45 CAD and $60 from Padshop 1 CAD. Its not too out of whack with rest of industry.