Cubase 11.0.20 maintenance update

Seems to work for lots of vendors.

In fact, for me, a newbie to the world of DAWs, it’s probably the first time I see a serious production software limiting the flexibility of the end user so drastically. Maybe it’s the common practice in the world of audio software, I have no idea as I don’t have experience with other DAWs.

An example from an industry I am familiar with: Daily Builds | SideFX
The Downloads section of an important 3D animation software vendor (Press the “Show All” button to see the full list).

Right now, I have 6 different builds of that software on my machine, and I can recreate this config on any machine I want, without any particular effort (well, if we don’t consider download time and license activation).

This is just one example.

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Like I said. There’s no way I’m trusting my system or projects to any vendor. Even with their best intentions, things go wrong. I know this because I’ve had it happen, seems quite a long time ago now, and it created a nightmare. Once bitten etc. If you’re comfortable risking it then all good, I’m just against the idea of blaming Steinberg or any other vendor for a failed install , even one that unintentionally breaks or corrupts a system.

Dunno about others but I’m not blaming Steinberg for failed installs.
I’m blaming them for forcing a single version on their users and not offering downloads of previous versions.
I’m blaming them for forcing an inflexible model that doesn’t allow their customers to setup their environments in a way that suits them best.
EDIT: Found out that the above is not true, see post by @Matthias_Quellmann further below.

It’s really not that complicated.
What happens when Houdini (the 3D software I linked above) has a new Production Build version (the equivalent of these 0.10 versions of Cubase) is that I usually install it along the current build and then start using it right away. If everything is OK after some weeks, I’ll just uninstall the previous build. If after some more weeks I find an issue with the current build, I go and download the previous build again, and install it again, along the current one. And I can do this with as many builds I need. What exactly is wrong in this approach or how does it mean “trusting my system to a vendor” is not very clear for me.

System restores and backups still mean trusting your system to a vendor, BTW, except in this case is MS or the backup software vendor.

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I usually create backups of all versions I download, but, definitely not against Steinberg providing previous online. you can check the FTP site link in the download section of the website, but I think that’s for old-old versions

Can anyone please help/advise.
When I export any mixdown Cubase instantly hangs. No crashlog jsut stallks. Creates a 0kb file.
Export the same project realtime all good.
Any ideas please?
No external devices involved all itb.
This started on 11.0.2 if I recall.

Hah, you saying that made me actually check the Download folder of the Download Assistant and guess what, the app installer is still there for 11.0.10 (which is the first version I ever installed).

So for those who want to install 11.0.10, the installer might still be on your machine if you didn’t touch that folder.

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Hello everyone, I found this issue in Cubase 11.0.20. Don’t know if this is related directly to the latest update but if someone has 11.0.10 could test on that. This happens when I enable the highpass filter on the pre. A friend of mine has tested on 11.0.10 and nothing happens. Thanks!


I too now have generic cubase black GUIs for all Acustica plugins since updating to 11.0.20.

More misery!

The ARA-folder still grows out of control and slows down even the most powerful systems when comping and using Melodyne.

I was told by Steinberg support this should be solved in the 11.0.20 update, but it hasn’t been solved. It is just as bad as ever. This effectively means that any Melodyne work we do with Cubase is destructive, as we need to render /bounce tracks all the time after using Melodyne or, I assume, any other ARA-capable plugin.

We have reported this issue back in December in the forum here and several of us have reported the issue to Steinberg support. Currently advertised edits like these are impossible to do in Cubase.

Can we get a 11.0.25 update to sort this out?

Not sure what you expect? Any edits, need to be saved as temp files.

What is the solution you are hoping for?

Acustica plugins are fine here and closing on exit as they should

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It drives me crazy but after experimenting I came to the conclusion that this thing with the generic cubase black GUIs on my Acustica plugins happens only if I have on my projects a track or tracks with the Sine Player Instrument (Orchestral Tools). I don’t understand how it is connected with the issue but every time I delete the Sine Instrument track and restart Cubase, things work normally again.
Where I could ask for support? Any idea?

Voted Very Satisfied because overall I am happy with the place Cubase is at and this update provides a good variety of fixes.
However, I probably shoud of voted for Satisfied as many bugs are getting through the cracks unnoticed or not cared, even when full repro cases are properly documented. Users often have to start repeating themselves like in this thread. The main community guy should not have to recognize the issues only after so many people have complained about it.


The installers of previous versions can be downloaded on the support sites:


Thanks, great to know!
That’s excellent, makes my point re:builds moot.

Thank you.

Best Regards

Plus *What is free regarding to the optional content
Plus *What is subject to (what kind of) fees

Hint: Take a look at other vendor’s management apps and clearly show us:

  • What is not installed.
  • What is installed.
  • Which of the installed parts have an update available.

Somewhat disappointed that the bug with ARA channels not showing metering in some projects, not being fixed. It makes it a bit of a guessing game to know what channels in the console are playing when ARA audio hasn’t been mixed down yet.

I do however get a feeling that Cubase is a bit more stable for me so I can’t only complain, but that bug has been annoying me for quite some time. It’s like having a hardware console with a faulty meter bridge. Not ideal.

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I have been using Cubase for a long time and like many I have learned that once they release anything, you download the installer and keep it on a separate drive. They should make them available as long as you have a valid license.

Update: I just saw the note above that has the link to the older versions. That is so good that this is available now.


ive noticed with this update im getting cpu hits i didnt have in the last update.
im getting crackles and slow down on projects i didnt have issues with before.
im on windows 10 build 19042.928 version 20h2