Cubase 12.0.20 Third Party VST Plugin GUI display issues


noticed that with the latest Cubase Pro Version (12.0.20 Build 263) some third party VST3 plugin GUIS are displayed in a oversized window.

Native Instruments FX plugins:

Some Plugin Alliance plugins (not all):

My system:
Cubase Pro Version 12.0.20 Build 263
Windows 10 Pro 21H2 Build 19044.1645 - System screen resolution 125 %
Eizo 2K Wide Screens (2560x1440px)

Anyoneelse having those issues? Not a big problem, but looks stupid and uses too much screen space.



Same issue here and same win version. Not sure which one to blame?

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same issue with cubase 12.0.20 on MacOS 11.6.5

same here, using the same system config like Honeyhill but no scaling (100%) in Windows.

Same here

the GUI of **VE PRO is taking really long to open
Keyscape just crash CUBASE

Me too.

Workaround for me: Click on QC (Quick Controls) button on right top of the plugin windows twice.

I get the same thing here.

It is a known issue, and as posted here by Steinberg staff should be fixed in the next (12.0.30) update.

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thanks for the reply!

OMG! What worked for me was to disable the “Allow Window to be Resized”. You find this option on the top right of your plugin editor window. It’s soo good to get visual feedback of the plugins again!

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