Cubase 12 Audio Editor -> No More Transparency!? WTF

Hi @OxygenBeats - had a chance to look at this again; its definitely borked in C12.

First C11
C11_Free Warp_transparency seen
The blue WAV is ‘in front of’ the orange WAV. Notice the ‘grey-ish’ see-through nature where they overlap as I move the blue WAV. Outlines of orange WAV underneath are clearly seen.

Here’s C12 (slightly different zoom)
C12_Free Warp_transparency not seen
Blue WAV remains a solid colour as I move it over the top of orange WAV.

Ok, this is a very simple example and you could get your edits done I guess, lining stuff up. But for more tricky edits, C11 is way better. Sadly, not been using C12 much since release, so I might have noticed this myself earlier. Have spent more time working in other apps (S1/Melodyne and video stuff in Edius/DaVinci Resolve).

Also, supplementary note:- I no longer see any grid lines in Free Warp mode in the Sample Editor in C12; with C11 you can. I checked that both apps ‘User Colour Schemes’ settings were the same.
(Its odd how @OxygenBeats example video above of C12 behaviour, does clearly show the grid lines; and yes, his editor background is much lighter than mine but I tried changing it on my system to suit, without luck - they do show everywhere else mind. And the exact same user settings are fine in C11 - as soon as the ‘Free Warp’ button is pressed, grid lines appear… go figure…)

I have to say this is broken behaviour - could it be added to your issues list @Louis_R for reference please.?