@Matthias_Quellmann there appear to be a few typos on the ‘New in 12’ tab.
One headline says ’ This headline should not be displayed in this case’ and another says ‘H3’ instead of the headline.
@Matthias_Quellmann there appear to be a few typos on the ‘New in 12’ tab.
One headline says ’ This headline should not be displayed in this case’ and another says ‘H3’ instead of the headline.
Yeah, sorry. There seems to be a cache issue with the website.
Is there any plan for sales?
Come on! We haven’t even fully rolled out Cubase 12 yet…
Yeah but…there could always be a time for some discount
Have to wait until summer, right?
I’ve taken a little peek at the MIDI remote video with Dom Sigalas and… I’m not sure, but I think I am spotting HIGH DEGREES OF EXCELLENCY. I can’t wait to get back from work to hook up all my junk and give them a go!
on a Wednesday !
Has the shop crashed?
I wait for it too
payment failed but my visa card is okay with any site
i see now on the "all new features"list it says
“The audio engine drop-out time during playback when adding tracks and insert effects has been reduced”
so i guess its not there yet, but a little plaster aid for this issue.
(i didnt download C12 yet to try though )
No way to install C12 on Mojave/Catalina?
Only in english this time? No more all the languages like the past versions?
can’t update e-licenser!
can somebody help?!
Try again. The same happened to me the first time. The second time around it succeeded and redirected me to my bank’s verification page.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Cubase 12 won’t run on MacPro 13 under windows
I just realized something!
They added Ableton link to Cubasis and not Cubase?!?!
My eLicencer upgrade failed due to server busy - try later.
Now it says I have no upgradable licences.
My Cubase 11 Pro licence is in pending state, but not upgradable.
What do I do?
No worries. Could you please open the new Steinberg Activation Manager (SAM)? What does it tell you there?
Cubase 12 should work in that state, at least for 30 days (assuming you have a ‘Verification Pending’ licence in Steinberg Activation Manager). Cubase 11 and earlier probably will not work.
Running Maintenance in eLicenser Control Center will probably sort everything out when the load on the servers calms down a bit.