Cubase 12 crash M1 Max MacBook, getting desperate

@snajand I also frequently use Metric AB, maybe that could be the culprit for me as well.
@Martin.Jirsak Please take a look from these 3 (!) crashes that I had today, can you read something from them? I already contacted UAD but I want to wonder if these crash files can tell something more, I’m really desperate to fix this ASAP, I can’t afford these problems, I’m getting embarrassed in front of my clients and look unprofessional.
Cubase (67.0 KB)


It seems other plug-in is problematic here:

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   <translation info unavailable>	       0x1b68e2dc0 ???
1   <translation info unavailable>	       0x1b68e2c24 ???
2   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18a8efd5d 0x18a458000 + 4816221
3   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18a86fc68 0x18a458000 + 4291688
4   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18a7dd8a4 0x18a458000 + 3692708
5   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18a7c3308 0x18a458000 + 3584776
6   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18a76d2a1 0x18a458000 + 3232417
7   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18a78380d 0x18a458000 + 3323917
8   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18ab44171 0x18a458000 + 7258481
9   EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18ab41969 0x18a458000 + 7248233
10  EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18abad30b 0x18a458000 + 7688971
11  EchoBoyJr                     	       0x18ab32399 0x18a458000 + 7185305

Hi im also using backblaze for years.
Its best to schedule it so it doesnt run when your are working with Cubase. (or any memory heavy appplication).

Backblaze eats up a LOT of CPU/memory bandwidth (even when set to throttling etc) and it just makes your pc not optimal for music production.
Also, on a macbook it runs different than on a pc, specially when you use external hds etc
I run it when i sleep, so its runs about 3 hours per day whoo-ha-ha-ha (that was a dracula laugh).
Its tricky in the beginning when you have a lot of TBs to upload, but after that you are good :wink:
You can also send them a harddrive if you have too much to upload.

Hi @Martin.Jirsak @Matthias_Quellmann

I havent been able to shake the constant crashing of cubase on my M1 Max Macbook Pro. Multiple crashes per day. Here are two logs from yesterday. Any insight?

Cubase (33.7 KB)



Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

1 Like

Another crash here:
Cubase 12-2022-05-09-122146.ips (142.3 KB)

Anyone able to decipher whats going on?


This crash is in different area. Did you work with the MixConsole History by any chance?

I don’t use the mix console history very often so I don’t think that was the culprit. Honestly, the crashes are blurring together since they happen so often. I’ll try to keep better track but it seems like the program often crashes from mundane tasks.

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I’ve still been relatively crash free since I stopped using ADTPR Metric AB. I have occasionally had Cubase crash when loading certain plugins (EchoBoy was the latest one), but it’s definitely not as consistent as it was with Metric AB.

I’m curious if you are running Cubase via Rosetta or Apple Silicon Native?

I have no choice but to run it in Rosetta because Soundtoys (and some others) don’t have VST3 versions of their plugins yet.


Could you please enable the Usage-logging (Preferences > General) and send it with the related crash file, please?

Thank you

Hi @Martin.Jirsak ,

Sorry for the delay here, I haven’t really been using Cubase for my main productions due to crashes. But I revisited an older project today and was able to capture a crash log with usage logging on. See attached. (110.7 KB)


Seems like a lot of issues are caused by 3rd party plugins not entirely compatible with M1/Monterey. Obviously these should be solved by the respective plugin companies, but it would be already much better if Cubase would not crash at all in the first place when a plugin crashes.

I made a FR not long time ago, and if you think that would be a good idea, it would be nice if you could support it by giving it a vote:

@snajand @NoiseCo @WK1 @Billy_Shears @Adonde @Israel_Traecey



Had another crash while closing cubase. below is the crash log with usage logging on. (49.2 KB)


1 Like


Both crashes are totally out of Cubase:

Thread 86 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b30f objc_release + 15
1   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80c7014e8 -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI dealloc] + 53
2   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80c6d8f1d __CFBasicHashDrain + 348
3   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80c807802 _CFRelease + 244
4   CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8110624ca 0x7ff811054000 + 58570
5   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80c807802 _CFRelease + 244
6   CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff81105e33e 0x7ff811054000 + 41790
7   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80c807802 _CFRelease + 244
8   CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff81106216d 0x7ff811054000 + 57709
9   libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c512d0e object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 83
10  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b47e objc_destructInstance + 94
11  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b40f _objc_rootDealloc + 62
12  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff81106249c 0x7ff811054000 + 58524
13  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff811062443 0x7ff811054000 + 58435
14  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff811076105 0x7ff811054000 + 139525
15  CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80c807802 _CFRelease + 244
16  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff811075657 0x7ff811054000 + 136791
17  libsystem_blocks.dylib        	    0x7ff80c3a7654 _Block_release + 130
18  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8111de575 0x7ff811054000 + 1615221
19  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8111dcb87 0x7ff811054000 + 1608583
20  libsystem_blocks.dylib        	    0x7ff80c3a7654 _Block_release + 130
21  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff8109521f9 nw_proxy_deallocate_options + 25
22  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff81068188c -[NWConcrete_nw_protocol_options dealloc] + 44
23  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff810dc4f42 nw_array_dispose + 466
24  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff810681ca1 -[OS_nw_array dealloc] + 17
25  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff810680553 -[NWConcrete_nw_parameters .cxx_destruct] + 83
26  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c512d0e object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 83
27  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b47e objc_destructInstance + 94
28  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b40f _objc_rootDealloc + 62
29  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff81068028d -[NWConcrete_nw_parameters dealloc] + 93
30  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c512d0e object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 83
31  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b47e objc_destructInstance + 94
32  libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80c50b40f _objc_rootDealloc + 62
33  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff8107ccba7 -[NWConcrete_nw_path_evaluator dealloc] + 1111
34  libnetwork.dylib              	    0x7ff8107ce87a __nw_association_schedule_deactivation_block_invoke + 1322
35  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff80c4be317 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
36  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff80c4c0d7c _dispatch_continuation_pop + 453
37  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff80c4d2208 _dispatch_source_invoke + 2179
38  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff80c4c60f6 _dispatch_workloop_invoke + 1987
39  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff80c4ceeee _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 753
40  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80c671fd0 _pthread_wqthread + 326
41  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80c670f57 start_wqthread + 15

And the 2nd one:

Thread 93 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               	    0x7ff80161471d objc_msgSend + 29
1   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff801857bad -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI isEqualToArray:] + 113
2   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8017d15f9 CFEqual + 533
3   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8018b3832 __CFBasicHashesAreEqual_block_invoke + 3219
4   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff801811b3f CFBasicHashApply + 119
5   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8018b2b46 CFBasicHashesAreEqual + 157
6   CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8061defab 0x7ff806160000 + 520107
7   CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff80635a844 0x7ff806160000 + 2074692
8   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff8017d15f9 CFEqual + 533
9   CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8061d6751 0x7ff806160000 + 485201
10  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff806273712 0x7ff806160000 + 1128210
11  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8061b87b3 0x7ff806160000 + 362419
12  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff806392207 0x7ff806160000 + 2302471
13  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff80632c186 0x7ff806160000 + 1884550
14  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8063b9837 0x7ff806160000 + 2463799
15  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8063290bc 0x7ff806160000 + 1872060
16  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff80628f944 0x7ff806160000 + 1243460
17  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff8061766b9 0x7ff806160000 + 91833
18  CFNetwork                     	    0x7ff806176446 0x7ff806160000 + 91206
19  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff8015d73c0 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 83
20  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff8015ca317 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
21  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff8015d0317 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 672
22  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff8015d0e30 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417
23  libdispatch.dylib             	    0x7ff8015daeee _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 753
24  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80177dfd0 _pthread_wqthread + 326
25  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80177cf57 start_wqthread + 15

Hi @Martin.Jirsak

Thanks for taking a look. I’m not sure what you mean by “out of cubase”. Are you saying external factors are causing cubase to crash? If so, any specific culprits that I should look at? Whatever it is, it isn’t making protools or studio one crash so I’d love to pinpoint the problem!

Thank you!


I pasted the crash threads above. As you can see, neither Cubase nor any plug-in is mentioned.

Do you use any network drive or any cloud drive by any chance? It’s your iLok/PACE driver and software up to date, please?

Hi @Martin.Jirsak,

I use Dropbox. Ilok is fully updated. Very strange that the logs would not show cubase crashing. Those both were generated right after cubase crashed in the cubase crash dialogue when the program starts up.
