Cubase 12: Hard Crash With Native Instruments Effect Plugins

Yes, as per Stefan W. comment I would like to understand why this has been going on for over three years according to this ticket string and has not been addressed yet. A few months ago I upgraded to collection 14 ultimate and I started getting hard crashes while using certain NI plugins (Raum) with Cubase 12 pro. Thanks for your help!


Windows 10
UA Apollo Twin X (Thunderbolt 3)
Cubase 12 Pro (12.0.20)


I don’t see any plug-in involved in this crash.

Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

Just to make things clear: I reactivated that thread because I found that it was better this way than starting a new one, since there might be more than one causes for NI Plugins interfering with Cubase/Nuendo.

That’s funny, because as soon as I removed the NI plugins the problem was gone. It was repeatable. No other “solution” seemed to help it - that is: reboot, Cubase/Nuendo reinstall, Closing every other application (to fee up memory maybe)…

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