Cubase 12 is coming in 2022

that’s not clear - the ‘year licence’ has been described as a more complicated installation situation that the ‘standard’ 30 day licence and not so straightforward to implement.

It would surprise me greatly if you couldn’t switch but you may have to jump though some hoops.

They are not going to let you go without a licence (on purpose !)

Yes, but I dont think you will be able to update a cubase 8.5 to cubase 11 on the dongle
when cubase 12 is out.

That is why they should be updated.

1st quarter release? 2nd quarter? 3rd?

The real issue when they shoot down the servers for the new system. It is not what they are planing to do. But it will happen, the new system will in the future be old.

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Yet if it was available, I would find it most flexible for my situation. Instead of doing housekeeping once a month, I could make it once a year, EXCEPT if the need arose to work elsewhere (laptop, other trusted computer) in which case I’d do a quick switch for that month and back again.

Thank you Dr., I hope a viable solution is found for your case as well.

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ahh yes I understand what you mean now - Generally when a new version is released you can’t buy an upgrade to the previous version.

So yes if you think v11 is the last version you will want to use it may be best to upgrade. I’m gonna need to think about what that means for some of my licences too…thanks for raising that.

thanks - I’m eternally optimistic…:D.

Im nearly 60 myself , "an old fart as you say " the difference is if you have a dongle you can use your software for life , the licence is with you , if you go to the new system your licence is ALWAYS with Steinberg ,whether it’s 30 days to renew or 356 days to renew you always have to go back to Steinberg to sign in and use the software , with a dongle you don’t simple fact of . so yes with a dongle you actually own the licence . just think if you don’t use cubase for 10 years , with a dongle it’s plug it in and use , with the new schemme i think you’ll find your F*&%ked


That is not applicable in software industry. Nothing work until opposite is proven.


I have one of my old workstations been offline over 10 years. With dongle I still can open projects in that system and still sometimes I dig stuff out to my new projects. My current system is offline too and I already hate to plug it online for “refresh” these paranoid home calling license systems. Even once a month.

Just saw this:

"Steinberg has informed us that they are discontinuing the USB-eLicenser and soft-eLicenser technology as of January 1st, 2022. Steinberg will maintain the server handling those services for a grace period of six months until June 30th, 2022. After that period, Steinberg reserves the right to shut down the server at its sole discretion.

Unfortunately, this move is beyond our control and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it."

So goodbye old workstations if something explodes.

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Unfortunately I cannot comment on the release date yet. The next step is the Dorico 4 release in early 2022.

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they are talking of instigating a 100% offline solution - it’s not ready yet…but then C12 is not ready yet.

I think that you’ll continue to be able to be 100% offline if you need to be. That part is covered.

I had a question in another thread in regards to new licensing that I will recreate here.

If I have used the 1yr offline activation, and my computer with that license dies - OS drive failure, computer blows up, etc, etc. Then that license can no longer be deactivated - is that license lost forever?

I’m just going to rephrase / repost something that @cubace flagged a few minutes ago. I really think it needs to be more emphasised.

If you currently have licences that are NOT on cubase V11 and you would like them to be because you don’t want to buy C12 because of the new licensing model you MUST do this soon. As soon as C12 is out the the option to upgrade to V11 disappears and your dongle licence is ‘stuck’ at that version…forever.

the same will be true of all the other software when/if that gets updated to use the new licensing model.

I suspect this wasn’t really something that SB considered…?

I would suggest to contact our support team in that case. There is no policy so far for the “my system blew up” scenario.

The only time i ever turn on the internet is to update Cubase , nothing else and when i built my 3770k it was off line and using C8 for about 5 years , no windows updates no nothing because it’s purely a Steinberg DAW ,nothing else and this is what really pisses me off knowing that the powers that be are FORCING us to stay connected to the outside world , well a lot of us are recluses that don’t like the outside world and like to survive in our own eviroment without having to rely on signing into a governing body and this is what Steinberg is becoming , your licence is no longer yours you only rent it 30 days or the max of 356 .
Un less this changes not one penny leaves my account to update Cubase , Spectral <Wavelab ,Halion 6 , or any of my additional content because i want it all to be mine , on a dongle ,plugin and play with no powers that be not letting you because opppsssss servers down


Im not sure. But you get both options, you get a perceptual licenses in cubase 11 and a ransomware cubase 12.

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providing both licences (when C12 is out) would be a good stopgap…although when the licence servers are switched off then that door closes

It’s something to consider… Because you’re dealing with a user base that builds their own computers… many a time, I’ve had to re-do an OS install because something didn’t go right.

Also, with the way OS updates are happening these days from both MS and Apple, weird things happen.

It may be good to also consider implementing some sort of 48hr downtime, because, if someones OS drive fails on a Friday… Support isn’t going to be much help.


This is how we get treated after 30 years . Not very good ED at all , isn’t there some sort of patch you could make for the Elicnecer so if your dongle breaks you can transfer a licences to another pre registered dongle just in case this happens ? because for the first time since 2002 you are making software non useable which is damn right rude after the amount of money we have thrown at you and kept you in a job