Hi I recorded a vocal track in cubase 10.5 and now I upgrade to cubase 11 pro anw I upgrade to cubase 12 po,there’s no VariAudio in the Inspector how to fix it
Make sure, you are working with the Audio Event, not the Audio Part, please.
Right click to any tan in the Inspector and enable the option, please.
Thanks Martin for the info,but I don’t know what you mean by,Right click to any tan in the Inspector and enable the option
Please make sure to double click the audio in the project window. Then the audio editor will appear but not show the option for variaudio yet. Then click on the lower zone audio editor. Only then on the left you will be presented with the extra functions like variaudio. Hope this helps
Thank you for your email
And what Martin means is that if you right-click one of the items in the Inspector (with the audio editor active) you can remove or add items. See included picture.
Thank you Very much
HI I just realized that my CTRL C does not work in cubase 12 pro can anyone help me.
This has nothing to do with the original topic. Make a new post and write what events exactly did you try to copy, please.
I am having a similar problem. I have an audio sample (an event) in the sample editor but nothing in the inspector. I click on the lower zone of the sample editor but the inspector remains blank.
Any advice gratefully received.
Problem Solved. I double clicked the event in what I thought was the sample editor and up popped a window called sample editor with the requisite left hansd side buttons
This is not an Audio Event, this is Audio Part. To make an Audio Event from the Audio Part, use Bounce Selection function, please.
Thank you for your email
I think, I do not have the VariAudio because there is no option like that I can see the Hitpoints but I can’t see VariAudio
Hi and welcome to the forum,
Which Cubase version (11, 12, 13) and edition (Pro, Artist, Elements, AI, LE) exactly do you own, please?
Cubase Le Aı elements 13 it says
You can find the edition in the About screen, or in your MySteinberg.
In any case, none of Elements, LE or AI edition has the VariAudio feature included. Only Cubase Pro and Artist has. Please see the comparison chart.
Thank you very much, I just downloaded the 60 days free edition of cubase pro