Cubase 12 - Pinch to zoom with Apple trackpad not working?

It is quite frustrating that Cubase doesn’t support trackpad on Mac. This is probably the ONLY app I use that doesn’t support some sort of trackpad functionality, and it’s very hard to “unlearn”. I am used to using pinch to zoom in and out and scroll with other DAWs, so when I’m in Cubase I keep instinctively trying to use it and it’s grating. Maybe the developers see this as a minor thing. But basic workflow things like this are not minor to the end user.

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Yes, it is a bit strange: I’m sure there are many who have been requesting this feature for years. Its a ww Standard , supported by all relevant DAWs. But maybe the Product Owners of Cubase are all Windows nerds or some “smart” Steinberg marketeers have found out that there are almost no Cubase Bedroom Producers :laughing: