So did you do
Yes I did,
And no it doesn’t fix, Cubase is still stuck, @steve
Sorry! I got nothing else here.
Okay, thank you anyway to both of you!
I’ll reformat my PC.
If you did not reformat you PC yet:
I had some problems with the USB Licenser as well.
I looke into the Device Manager of Windows and the USB Licenser was not installed correctly anymore, despite being fine a day before. It was shown under Misc. Devices. It should be shown under eLicenser like this:
I de-installed the driver for the USB Licenser and the eLCC.
Then I installed the newest version of eLCC and plugged in the USB LIcenser.
After that the issue was gone.
Maybe this will help.
Hello, Maik.
I tried searching for eLicenser as you said, I didn’t find any driver.
Thanks anyway, this might help someone else
Go to the Windows Device Manager, search the eLicenser or similar in all categories.
Right Mouse Click on the erntry and select “XXX deinstall” or similar.
XXX could be Device or Driver.
I am on German Windows so the entries might be called differently on other languages.
Then reinstall the eLCC.
If you cannot find the eLicenser in the device manager then of course it cannot work with the licenses.
Of course, all this only is valid for you, if you use the USB eLicenser.
If you use the Software eLicenser, there will be no driver installed.
TBH, you need an eLicenser for Spectral Layers 8… and you need it for a Cubase 11 demo…
Did you installed Cubase 12 from scratch?
Can you show a screenshot from Steinberg Download Assistant, please?
Same here nothing but problems since the last licenser update. the only way I could even get the licenser to work was to uninstall it, reboot, reinstall the update from June 2020, and it works, all my licenses show up. but 11, nor 12 will open. Both having problems. I have tried everything. I thought this security stuff was supposed to keep criminals out, but I have been out for a month and no support from Yamaha, or Steinberg. sent multiple emails, they only take tech support calls from 9-1:00 eastern time. some of us have to work. I don’t know what to do, I hate to delete everything and start over, as I have seen others with the same issue, and nothing changed. After almost 25 years of using cubase and this e-licenser, I am ready to find other options, Pro tools…
and my activation manager won’t launch
Cubase 12 needs no eLicenser…
If both open, what is your problem here?
He said “[neither] 11, nor 12 will open”.
The problem is that they won’t open.
I have the same problem, Cubase 12 LE STUCK in checking license on MAC OS Monterey with M1
I have tried to reinstall, uninstall, install, reboot etc… But still not working.
Few hours later Ive tried to install Cubase 11 and it’s working on. So there is a problem with Cubase 12…
Why are you looking at the Elicenser? What are you trying to tell us?
I don’t know, I thought the elicenser was needed for Cubase to check an active license.
After many hours I give up …
No. Open Steinberg Activation Manager. Maybe you will get some help once you know the right questions to ask.
Maybe yes… Unfortunately, Steinberg Activation Manager also not working. It’s the same problem. Stuck on launching. I tried reinstalling, I have no idea anymore, it is hard to give up, but I must admit that I am frustrated.
Still no luck?
As far I can tell, anything looks good. It should start.
I would try to disable temporarily any antivirus software then if it still does not work, i would
- first (important) deactivate the current license with the SLM (Steinberg License Manager) make sure the license is really not activated anymore
- Uninstall all cubase 11/ 12 versions (check in your Programs i the control panel and search for cubase then uninstall all occurences)
- install only C12 and then activate it again
- Test
If it works then install back the C11 software.
Nope, still not working. I tried everything, even some commands in the terminal.