Cubase 13.0.30 freezing constantly - PLEASE HELP!


The crash is still in the very same area. Reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

@Martin.Jirsak @Chriss
Another one today…this time it was different - came up as "a serious error has occured and rather than freeze and have to force close, the program crash closed/shutdown on it’s own within seconds (858.6 KB)
Really hoping for a solution sooner rather than later
Do you have any idea what is causing this?


What were the last steps you did before the crash, please?

This crash is different.

Recorded a midi track
Enabled a new one
Instruments are hosted in VEP server

I’ve downloaded the crash and attached it to the applicable issue (ID CAN-54203). Thanks, @Paul_Di_Stefano !
FYI, @Martin.Jirsak

@Martin.Jirsak @Chriss
Latest crash! (1.2 MB)


This crash is different. I made separated bug entry.

@Martin.Jirsak @Chriss
Another one
Almost like clockwork - every 3 days (1.9 MB)
Can someone please tell me what’s going on?
I’ve lost count of how many crashes I’ve posted here!

Yep , here’s todays after less than an hours work :frowning:

Cubase 13.0.40 64bit2024.6.12 (3.2 MB)


This crash is in NI Kontakt 7.

and another :frowning:

Cubase 13.0.40 64bit2024.6.12 (3.0 MB)

and another :frowning:

Cubase 13.0.40 64bit2024.6.12 (3.0 MB)

Thanks very much for clarifying

All your crashes are caused by the AXR extension. You could try to reinstall the AXR software with the latest updates.

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well that just kind of rubs salt in the wound !!! steinbergs own interface crashing the DAW… the €3000 Flagship interface as well…

I’m really getting fed up with this :frowning: I’m running one the ‘best’ at the moment spec machines and it’s not stable. Reaper runs fine with the same hardware, why is cubase crashing with the AXR4 and not reaper? I mean Reaper still can use any kind of plugin , so you’d think that may cause issues as opposed to Cubase that is now tight on what plugins it will allow. But it seems in practice on windows anyway it’ s not working that way.
If anything will push me fully to Mac OS it’s been the last few weeks trying to work in windows . It shouldn’t be this way.

I’m not a fan of Mac OS and buying a Mac Studio ultra here in the UK is going to cost me over £4000 for an M2 24 core…


@Martin.Jirsak @Chriss
Today’s crash: (1.0 MB)
This one happened when AFK

It’s clearly a windows version issue…immensely frustrating
Apple’s prices are ridiculous…I feel your pain!

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Update: I updated the Cubase hotfix , my Yamaha USB drivers and also a windows update yesterday and fingers crossed I’ve been working without any crashes.

C13 is working nicely now on my 7950x and AXR4.


edit: …LOL it’s just crashed when I closed my working project…

atleast it didn’t crash while I was working …

@Martin.Jirsak can you tell mewhat the crash is?
Cubase 13.0.41 64bit2024.6.14 (3.5 MB)


It comes from AXR Extension, but Cubase crashes at the end. Will see, what will the developers say.

Reported to Steinberg.

Now I make a habit now of doing Ctrl-S every minute or so when I 'm working or whenever I think of it
The most reliable thing about Cubase is that you know that it is certain to crash at least once every few days, so I figure with the current situation some active risk management is cheaper than buying a new computer, as annoying as it is, and better than jumping to a different DAW…better the devil you know IMO