Cubase 13 out now!

Thanks, will skip 13 and see what happens.


I see that I can order a copy on Thomann. Will that work?

new FADERS look really bad guys. cheaperā€¦ the new design is not convenient to use. looks more like a mess then a good mixing workflow


Another minor thing, Now you canā€™t resize track preset or FX Chain Preset windows in the Channel tab. Means a lot more scrolling now.

1 Like

Looking Forward for new midi editor improvements, looks phenomenal.

Is CAN-38656 solved?

Guys i canā€™t wait to experience the update but PLEASE include a list of updates. As of now, the only way to know whatā€™s going on is to watch the video. This is unacceptable! Please include a proper change log. Thank you!


After Arena52 confirmed it for me I purchased and installed 13, I can also confirm that my old VST2 plugins are working and even the 32 bit ones via Jbridge are good. Hope this helps

Why stil limited 4 Cue Mix all other Daws is unlimted number

  • why the faders look very studio one and like a smartphone app :nauseated_face:

It helps a lot. Thank you AtariBoy.

Hi Steinberg,

I am currently on a Cubase 12 pro 60 day trial and want to stay firmly on Cubase 12 Pro for a while. I see that itā€™s not possible to buy Cubase 12 Pro at all now. My question is:

  • If I buy Cubase 13 Pro, will that license also unlock Cubase Pro 12 for me as well (the trial version) so I can use both?

If not, how can I purchase Cubase 12 Pro?

Try to get it from a retailer. Whatā€™s your location?

NZ, so no chance of a retailer (none stock software). I need digital only.

Iā€™m absolutely gutted that they removed the ā€˜Return To Start Position On Stopā€™ from the preferences :frowning:

Does anybody know if they will bring this back on an update?

Otherwise looks great

its still there- Transport menu /Start Mode


To save people the effort, Iā€™ve created a generalised complaint. No need now to post your specific whinge. Thankyou.

Iā€™m gutted that after all this time Steinberg havenā€™t fixed FEATURE X

Is it really so difficult to implement such a simple feature? Come on Steinberg, itā€™s been two years!

Iā€™m going to skip 13 and hope Steinberg finally get their act together for 14.


Why is the menu bar white and old? (windows OS)
Why are the warning and save windows still outdated?
Why the fonts become white and ugly???
modern look ??
the mixer design very bad and its like smartphone app
still limited Cue Mix 4 only ??


Wow, just tried the vocal chain plugin and itā€™s added 223ms of latency to the channel (48khz) even with all modules disabled, is this normal?!

Thatā€™s horrendous if true. Got to be a bug, right?!

Nice! Thanks for the answer!

Excellent template, this should help streamline the general venting process.

Jeez, there I was, really enjoying C13, thinking they may well have knocked it out of the park with this one, then I came here ā€¦ headfirst into a tidal wave of negativity, much of it from people who clearly havenā€™t even installed it yet.