Cubase 13 out now!

I believe so:

Hybrid CPU support

We have invested a lot of time and effort in optimizing and testing Cubase 13 for hybrid-architecture CPUs, and we are happy to offer full support for both Windows and Mac.

That was taken from here:

In my limited testing, things are working MUCH smoother.


C13 after using this for 30 minutes, I am certain this will be my favorite Cubase release ever, by a long shot. OK, you think I am nuts, and I may be. I donā€™t use most of the exotic features, and I donā€™t use any of these products on a daily basis. So for me, the more intuitive a product is, the more productive I will be.

In previous releases, I could never get comfortable with Cubaseā€™s channel strip environment. I found the EQ and other common effects really tedious to use, so I always inserted either a Waves or Izotope ā€œmulti-toolā€ (e.g. Neutron or Scheps) and didnā€™t bother to use the Steinberg stuff that was sitting right there.

But now, it all makes perfect sense and is so transparent, I have no reason to use any other EQ for most tracks. That, alone, makes this release a big winner for me. And there is a lot more that I will use. I realize none of the changes are earth-shattering, but there is a lot of elegance added to this release, and those little touches make a big difference for me.


Downloaded and installed it, but it keeps crashing on me.

After the total mess that was Cubase 12 (I gave up on it as it had too many bugs and was unuseble), and the almost Utter lack of tech support the price of the upgrade from Pro 12 to Pro 13 is over priced.

If any thing, to users of Pro 12, as a good will gesture for all of the stress and wasted money paid out on that version, they should be offering Pro 13 at least half of the upgrade price they are now asking.

From the few youtube videos I can be bothered to watch, it seems they have layed with the interfaces to make it look all pretty but the REAL question is have they rewritten the basic code from scratch and got rid of all of the previous gremlins and made sure that Pro 13 is ROCK SOLID on all Windows platforms?

I will hazzard a guess and say that they have not.


Case in point - I am not surprised and sorry to hear this.

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Have to admit that I am a little disappointed that once again there is no mention of Dorico integration/ liaison here. Perhaps future versions can also consider some AI capability and video scoring enhancements. Workflow and graphic improvements are great but I think it is time to focus on new features.


Very basic cubase 12 elements user here. I use cubase maybe once or twice a month if that. I think Iā€™ll wait to upgrade to 13 when the upgrade price comes down to 19.99$, and when a few update fixes come outā€¦

(Sorry to be a debby downer but I have learned many lessons getting older to always wait to buy video games, music programs, movies, basically any music electronics till reviews come out. In todays over priced markets on goods, we as the consumer are getting ripped off big time with a lot of products beinf rushed out. ALWAYS WAIT TO BUY especially with being in an inflation crisis. Most of the time the prices will come down, and then you can get it for cheap when no one is buying. PEACE


Thanks Area52, but could someone from Steinberg confirm that VST 2 plugins are supported? I use in all my projects Lexicon PCM Native reverb that has not been updated to VST3.

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Shop is still not available, so how to get it?

Oops, got it available after a hard referesh of the page :slight_smile:

Has anyone noticed that the midi transformer has changed? I use the midi transformer with a touchscreen for track tracing/selection. In C13, it still works but is off by 1, and now the setup options in C13 have changed?

Soooā€¦ are my two most annoying bugs fixed??

Tbh Iā€™m not very inclined to buy the update until not, even though there seem to be some interesting featuresā€¦

I just bought Cubase 12 Pro at the end of July. In years past, Steinberg has given free upgrades when a new version came out shortly after a purchase. I forget what the time frame was, but is that still something Steinberg does?

******Scratch that. Just found it. Looks like I bought a month too early to qualify.

Itā€™s an imitation of Studio Oneā€™s faders, which are the ugliest on the market. Not goodā€¦


Ah thanks for the input , iā€™m glad iā€™m not going completely bonkers .

Yes, have both open simultaneously here.

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Iā€™m now on Nuendo, but Iā€™m not impressed by the new features, except perhaps in midi. But no positive gain clip, no ability to re-encode tracks in the Mixconsole, nor to see, open and close directory (folder) tracks. Disappointing.


Does anyone know when the crossgrade purchase will be available? Itā€™s the only purchase option thats unavailable right now :confused:. I use FL now and I canā€˜t wait to use Cubase.

@K_V - welcome to the forums!

Weā€™re aiming to have edu and crossgrades available some time next week.

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Visually, I donā€™t feel the gui redesign is an improvement. For me, track selection is more difficult to see what is selected, especially in large sessions when the tracks are minimal height. I prefer C12 simple white highlight with black font when selecting a track.