Cubase 13 Pro WinRT midi and Hub still very long

Despite my different installations and uninstallations or reset of preferences
Cubase 13 still takes so long to start
Windows 12 is a little less so but also seems slightly affected.

33 seconds with WinRT MIDI

and 1 minute 7 seconds before the HUB appears

I love Cubase 13 its new functions its graphics and otherwise it works well
except the PLEs which take a very long time to modify which had been greatly improved with Cubase 12.
I hope the next updates will fix all these issues.

Cubase 12 takes around 30 seconds to open the HUB which is a little more reasonable
But it seems to me that it opened much faster before the installation of 13.

It seems that the problem is solved I moved the earlier preset folder which included my second 14bitMIDI folder
and Cubase seems much more responsive both in terms of PLEs and startup
See the link to the message regarding PLEs
the problem seems related to WinRT midi
See topic link:

Organization of project logic editor folders

Cubase 12 now opens in 15 seconds
but 13 opens in about 30 seconds
It’s already much better
But opening the HUB still seems a bit slow and buggy

On the other hand Cubase 13 closes sessions much faster
but the modifications of PLEs remain slower than in 12

I have this same problem but to the next level - It takes maybe 15 minutes or more to start cubase. It gets stuck for ages on winRT initialize but eventually gets through this. I don’t have Studio Setup… → MIDI Port Setup → Use Device ‘WinRT MIDI’ checked and don’t want to use it so I have no idea why it takes so long.

Interesting that I also have a lot of PLE settings and Macros but don’t think this should make a problem at start up - it used to on earlier versions but I thought they had fixed that?

If you look in my answer
there is a link from another thread

and my problem came from numerous PLEs files which were duplicates
This was due to my different installations between Cubase 12 and 13 and my numerous backups
I would be you, I would check to see if there isn’t a little cleaning to do