Cubase 14.0.20 Maintenance Update

The Cubase 14.0.20 maintenance update is now available. In addition to numerous fixes and improvements, this update introduces new features in several areas, including the Score Editor, the Pattern Editor, Audio Export, and Event Volume Curve editing, to significantly enhance your workflow. Furthermore, Cubase 14.0.20 now officially supports Windows on Arm.

The maintenance update is available in the Steinberg Download Assistant.

For full details, please refer to the release notes.


The new range tool is absolutely brilliant!! What a time saver - thank you!


The “new and improved” video engine still doesn’t play any mp4 video on my PC (19 12900/AMD 7900 XTX). Still have to use the files from version 12, which does play mp4s on my PC.

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Understood. But in the meantime, if you’d like to use (a ‘clean/non-hacked’) C14 and you absolutely don’t want to be messing about converting/transcoding things back and forth, you could download the demo of this utility video player. Make yourself a dummy 20sec MP4 video to test and see if it works for you…?

If it does, make a purchase ($23 + tax for Windows) to enable full-length videos to be loaded and just bypass Cubase’s video player altogether… It will load low-res, small pixel frame vids into it too, with lots of codec/container support… AND you can render the video out from the DAW using the VidRender VST utility, dubbed with your new audio track (free download)
VidPlayVST - Download/Buy
VidPlayVST - VidRender

Check it out…

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Very nice update, especially Undo/Redo in the Pattern Editor. Now, in the next update, the possibility to import MIDI data into the Pattern Editor and convert MIDI parts into Pattern Editor parts.


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Project Templates gone from hub Cubase 14.0.20

Hi Matthias,

The Release Notes might need correction.
It says for Mac, Command+Option for Audio Segment feature, but it actually is Command+Shift
Command+Option activates slip tool on Mac.

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Anybody else is having issue downloading this update?


Really impressive maintenance update, Steinberg! Bravo! :clap:

LOVE the event value curve improvement, and of course the continued work on the new score editor (yay!) and refinements to DAWproject! :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:


Waste of time using the SDA - use the website.


Thanks for the update!

While most of my Dorico files import correctly, 2 of them will yield an empty project with (seemingly) no data imported. (All files have recently being worked on, so are in a current Dorico 5 file format.)
Can I send those files for inspection somewhere?

(And none of them play back, but I guess that’s because I use NotePerformer in Dorico?)

Thanks for the info, but as a complete hobbyist, it’s not a “mission critical” issue. I’ll just make do.
BTW, you wouldn’t believe the efforts I’ve made to try and get any mp4 to play. In the end I can either use the hack I mentioned or force Cubase to use Intel Graphics, both of which enable playback on my PC. (I empathise my PC because I know I seem to be in the minority.)
Thanks, again. :+1:

didn’t try it yet, but seems good update, i like the Concept of “make less chores tedious works automatically” like in the new “audio segment” detection , in general more features and ideas like that are good time savers


First I thought that the range tool with auto detection will be interesting…

I was a bit disappointed when I tried using it.

I realized it does not detect what I wished. I thought it would detect sibilance for example. But it simply detects “blobs”. Not bad. But I thought it was a bit more intelligent.

Also, the color schemes for routing don’t seem to change anything.

Lastly, I hoped that you could tweak the fader appearance as it says so. But it’s only a hide/Show option. Boring…

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Yes, please send me any files that don’t import.

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Updated to 14.0.20 and restarted my Mac. The cmd+shift will only modify the entire track - the audio segment feature doesn’t work. Any help is appreciated! is the video.

Love the vid that went along with this update.

What’s New in Cubase 14.0.20 | Maintenance Update - YouTube


In 14.0.10:

  • Ruler track time domain settings are now preserved correctly when loading projects.

But yesterday I ran into this exact issue. Need to flip the ruler time display to another option in project settings, ok, then back to what I wanted for the ruler to display correcly