Hi, I had the plan to control 2x Native’s Guitar Rig Loop machine with one controller (~26 controllers). Unfortunately, Cubase only allows 8 controllers per track, so I’m forced to start Maschine as a plugin to control Guitar Rig. That works too. Unfortunately, for some controllers (e.g. controller 9) this way does not distinguish their different midi channel, so that 2 parameters are addressed with controller 9. I thought different midi channels also differ automatically the controller, I don’t understand it, can someone explain it to me? thx and greetz
Are you talking about the Track Quick Controls?
You can implement 8 Modulators to control whatever in the track and also QC. So you have to deal with max 16 controlers, or? Thats not enough if you want to work on FX and in my case 2 GRigs. Maybe i missunderstand something but from my view its not possible to control as much parameters as you want. Natives GR offers macro knobs which are combined by midi learn, so it does and reacts as suspected until you use a controler with the same caount but different midi chanel…? Is cubase just interested in the count of a controler and dont seperate by midi channels?
Have you tried to use the MIDI Remote?
Jo, thats exactly my prob. and the actual border of cubase. I still have an old Traktor S2 with a lot of usable knobs and faders. I just want to control the looper and a bunch of fx to have some fun, which would cost me ~30 controlers. How can i realise this and is it true that cubase doesnt seperate CC´s by midi channel?
Using the Cubase MIDI Remote with multiple MIDI channels works perfectly fine for me.
So I suspect that I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to do and how you are trying to achieve it.
Are you trying to use your S2 controller to control 2 different instances of Guitar Rig and each is on its own Cubase Audio Track?
If you attach a ZIP file with an example Cubase project of your desired Guitar Rig configuration in Cubase (without Maschine), I could understand better exactly what your desired Cubase project environment is.
Hi Nico5, i run 2 instances of Maschine in CUbase. Each host one Guitar Rig instance which I want to control with the S2. The S2 uses in some knobs the same CC value but different midi channels. I went into the GR instances, made the midi learn action with the S2 and saw that these special CC value knobs triggers eg start/stop in both GRs.
First I tried to go the way of using 2 Guitar Rigs in to different Audio tracks as you said, but how to route as many controllers to Guitar Rig and some FX to my S2. Guitar Rig offers easy midi learn functions which are only available if you run it in Maschine, or?
Maybe another option would be to change the Traktor S2 configuration, so it sends different CC values, but on the same MIDI channel?
Have you ever tried to do that with the help of the Controller Editor?
Jep, that was my first view to identify half of the problem. If I want to control some more things I would run out of CCs. It seems to me a bit strange that differnet midi channels doesnt count. Maybe a channel filter per track can help (transformer). That’s kind of confusing. I thought that this topic was now settled and a simple workflow was possible, but I probably just don’t understand it.
Have you made sure your MIDI Input channels are set correctly on your MIDI tracks? You should be able to set these to “Any”.
I did… meanwhile i built a new template in NI´s Control Editor where several knobs had this issue. Went back to Cubase midi remote and gone through the rerewiring of the S2 => no double binded knobs anymore. So Cubase obviously is not interested in different midi channel, CC value counts. In the meantime, I have also understood my initial blindness and confusion: Fortunately, I no longer have to deal with QCs. In the beginning, I tried in vain to find certain plug-in options in the list on the right in the Cubase MIDI Remote Assignment Manager and gave up. Instead, you can do the assignment act simply by selecting it with the mouse. And to my delight, you can now work with controllers without this restriction to 8 knobs. I don’t know exactly how many, but it would be interesting to know. Having to rebuild the controllers first is annoying though. I’d rather just press a learn button and be done with it… Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that Cubase freezes when I have my two guitar rigs open and make the main window of Cubase small…? That’s material for another post.
What could be the reason that CCs with different midi channels are treated discretely in your case and not in mine? My experiments relate to a controller with different midi channels. Didn’t work for me???
That happened to me, too.
But I haven’t had the enthusiasm to spend time on troubleshooting to file a detailed bug report with Native Instruments yet.
Sorry, I have no idea. My MIDI Remote setups work fine with multiple MIDI channels.
At track level, one has to be sure to do what @mlib suggested in his earlier post