Cubase 14 is out now. When will Nuendo 14 be here?

What is the normal delay between Cubase and Nuendo releases?
I just crossgraded to Nuendo after last month sale.


Super curious here too. Already saw 4 features in C14 that I’m reeally looking forward to have in Nuendo.


Hopefully very soon!

Proper “Event Volume Curve” aka Clip Gain! Finally! !!

Take my money Steinberg. Now!


Still looking like there are no summing (group) style folders !!!


Me to about 4 months ago

I was wondering the same thing.

Finally! Cubase’s update looks great, lets see what else we’ll get in Nuendo.

But this round I’m gonna wait for the big sale further down the road. I find this model a bit strange: instead of a big discount for early updaters, specially since every version comes with its pack of bugs, you pay double the price for updating right away, with no demo, and doing beta tester work while at it.

This time I’ll wait!


They’ll probably wait until the grace period from the last sale is over before releasing the new version.

I bought Nuendo during the last sale and activated it although my demo would have been valid until December. :sob:

Well the latest gaps between Cubase 13 (released on 2nd Nov 2023) and Nuendo 13 (released on 15th nov 2023), I suppose 15 or 30 days between to get Nuendo 14, the time to add more features :wink:


A lot of cool new features!!!

Clip gain is fire!

GroupTrack-Folder would be magic of course) and also Sub-Projects (like in Reaper). What else can I dream of?)


I’ve seen a few people talk about audio routing folders like its the best thing since the toothbrush, but I really don’t see much value in it. I use folders for a very different purpose than I use group tracks.
Would you mind explaining whats the use case scenario where this is so valuable?



Just got Nuendo two weeks ago. When is Nuendo 14 coming, Steinberg?? C14 looks soo good. For those of us that just recently paid to crossgrade to Nuendo, it would be amazing if it could come out in the grace period.

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I’m in favor of keeping the regular folders (for visual optimization of the project appearance) and adding grouptracks-folder for situations when a group of sounds should be hidden under a spoiler and combined into a group.

This topic has been discussed here many times) for those who do not see in this functionality practical use for themselves - nothing will change. But for those who need this functionality - they will get a very big Workflow improvement

+1 to that. I made the switch to Nuendo back in the summer and love it.

Bought N13 one week ago, hope so…

Dear all,
Thank you for your comments! Nuendo 14 isn’t scheduled for 2024 as we need some more time to work on some really cool new features. N14 will also benefit from an improved stability of the Sequencer 14 development (Cubase/Nuendo) due to it’s later launch.
It won’t be too far into 2025 though.

Many thanks


While y’all are at it, please feel free to fix the bug I’ve been reporting for months that prevents queued track exports to work reliably. That really kills the archive process. Looking forward to it!

Thanks for the heads up Timi , I’m gonna upgrade my cubase13 in that case until N14 drops … just hoping N14 has summing folder !

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Thank you for letting us know. What is Sequencer 14 that you mention?

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