Cubase 14 remote mapping problem

I’d be grateful for assistance with mapping a knob on a NI Komplete Kontrol M32 to a Macro Knob modulator in Cubase 14.

The NI script has the M32’s knobs defaulting to controlling volume levels in the Cubase mixer, which I don’t want them to do (I have an SSL UF1 for that.) I resolved this by disabling the M32 script and giving the device a new name, effectively making it a generic controller, at least that is my intention. However, despite a few hours of reading the manual and watching videos (none of which are recent enough to address mapping in C 14), I cannot get the Remote Mapping Assistant to map the first continuous controller on the M32 to the Marco Knob Modulator. As soon as I touch the knob during the mapping process, the mapping assistant switches the associated Cubase function from the Macro Knob to the volume of the first channel of the mixer.

I tried assigning the external knob to a Quick Control on the instrument track. In this case I want to control the tune knob of a soft synth. However, when I turn the external knob the Quick Control slot defaults to the instrument’s volume control.

I am out of ideas and hoping someone in the community can help.

I don’t understand why there is no longer a Generic MIDI device option in Cubase’s Studio Setup, nor which aspect of the Mapping Assistant is supposed to have replaced it.

If I were working in Ableton Live this would have been sorted out in two minutes!

What am I missing?

This sounds like you haven’t really disabled NI’s default device. I don’t even know of a way to actually disable it. You can either delete or rename its dll, and then the DAW mode of the M32 will be free for assignments.

Thanks m.c.!

In the Scripts tab of the MIDI Remote Manager, there is a ‘Disable Controller Script’ button. However, even with the script disabled, and no device showing up in the MIDI Remote section of Studio Setup, the M32 still controls the MixConsole faders.

Even if the M32 knobs are sending CC to Cubase’s faders, with or without an activated script, one should be able to assign other destinations to those controllers because MIDI CC output is not limited to a single destination.

I remain stumped.

Just to be clear my friend, which script are you referring to? Perhaps the one I’ve shared here?

I managed to fully diable the M32 by selecting Komplete Kontrol A/M Series in the Remote Devices (Legacy) section of Studio Setup and setting the MIDI Input and Output to ‘Not Connected’.

Cubase continues to receive MIDI from the M32 and the The MIDI Remote Manager indicates it is connected, but Mapping Assistant seems unable to make a connection between the external knob and the device parameter I wish to modulate.

Assistance still required…

Unfortunately this is not enough. Periodically NI’s dedicated software will regain access to the (DAW) ports.
Here’s what you’d might want to try.
If you’re on Windows, navigate to C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Steinberg\Shared Components\ .
There you’ll find a dll of NI, named KOMPLETE KONTROL AM-Series.dll . You can rename it at least temporarily for example to KOMPLETE KONTROL AM-Series.dll2 . This way, it won’t be searched when Cubase restarts. This one is responsible for the DAW integration which seems to interfere with your mapping process.

At the same time, please note that M32 has two midi in/out pairs. The DAW and the MIDI ones. What you describe is for the DAW ports. However, I’m not really sure why you seem to prefer the DAW pair instead of the MIDI one. But anyway, none of my business really. What I’m sure about is that once you get rid of the file suggested, the cc messages will no longer be consumed by it.

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Thank you m.c.

I’m on Mac OS, but I can attempt a similar solution with the corresponding files.

I’m grateful you pointed out the two sets of MIDI in/outs on the M32. I have no preference for the DAW pair. It simply had not occurred to me that there was more than a single MIDI out.

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