Cubase 14

The Pattern Sequencer seems a bit of an unnecessary new thing for me :thinking::thinking: Cubase is FIRST and FOREMOST “a Sequencer”. It IS a sequencer of events and parts on the timeline. These events, when they are of the Midi type, they contain PATTERNS of Midi notes and controllers, usually “rhythmic patterns”. Unless this new feature [pattern sequencer] is touted purely for its “randomize” button, I am battling to wrap my head around why they didn’t just make this feature to be a first class citizen of the Project Timeline, i.e. make it an EVENT/PART processor, bearing in mind again that Midi events ARE ALREADY [rhythmic] PATTERNS. Therefore one would simply select the event on the timeline [including a BLANK/new event] and click a button to RANDOMIZE it if necessary. The architecture team needs to relook into this, becuz now we have . . . . a SMALL sequencer [of SMALL (midi) patterns] within a GRAND scale “Sequencer” of Events and Parts ON THE TIMELINE :roll_eyes: Whaaaaaat in the world was going on in the software architecture room at Steinberg :grin::flushed:??

The whole idea that you would ULTIMATELY drag the pattern onto the Timeline, gives away the idea that this feature might be unnecessary “as a pattern-centric SEPARATE tool”. We should be able to pattern-ize (and re-pattern-ize/shuffle) events/parts that are ALREADY on The Timeline.

And I thought we’ve had the “Step Designer” for like 19 years, which instead of it having a proper piano roll, it is ironically designed to use key names in plain text. The Step Designer incarnated (gave birth to) the concept where this kind of feature [pattern-based note drawing] was ALREADY given a thought. Was it therefore Not better to simply soup-up/upgrade the Step Designer ?

undo is definitely a requirement for the pattern editor.

I could spend an hour making an incricate pattern, then accidently press the randomise button for example and all that work’s gone, impossible to get back?

That seems like an oversight.

Also, the ability to move patterns to other tracks would be nice.


I installed cubase 14 pro on cubase 13 pro. However, although everything looks normal and cubase 14 pro is activated, there is no cubase 14 icon anywhere on my computer. How do I start the program? This is the second of 3 computers on which I am installing cubase. Because it can be installed on 3. Everything is ok on the other two.

Hi and welcome to the forum!
Have you checked if Cubase 14 is installed within the Steinberg path where you will also find Cubase 13?
Usually, Cubase leaves a short link on your desktop after install referring to the actual *exe. You have to create another short link pointing to this file in order to start Cubase (it needs to be via a short link is reported, never actually tried if this is still true though).
Which OS are you on? I’m asking because the standard installation paths differ between Mac and Windows.

windows 10 :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: Wrong language, uups…

Okay, then the Cubase exe can be found here:
C/Program Files/Cubase14/…

Rightclick on the blue Cubase14 Icon and create a short link. Cut and Paste it to the destination of your liking.
In case there is nothing to be found in this location - well, in that case there is no Cubase 14 installed on your system. Unless you chose another path and not the default path.

I don’t have the cubase 14 icon because I deleted it. That’s the problem. How do I get to the cubase 14 icon so I can start the program? Even before deleting it, I couldn’t start the program even though the manager shows it’s there and it’s installed. Spooky. Twilight Zone.

I solved it. Sorry. So, I hadn’t activated the first download of the Cubase 14.0.10 application in Steinberg downloads. Of course it wasn’t there when I didn’t download it. Probably Cubase 14 remained activated on the other computer, so this one couldn’t be downloaded. I’m not sure. Thanks for the help (now I know more - just don’t change anything anymore, please) Have a nice day!

Why would you delete the program file? Are you sure you’re talking about the same thing…not the desktop icon but the one in the folder Reco pointed you too.

If that is what you deleted, open recycle bin and if it’s in there right click and select restore.

If it’s not in there then you’ll probably need to reinstall.

Because I thought that if I deleted it, it would download properly again if I repeated the process. Oh, I’m stupid. Maybe I’m a little smarter now. So, I solved the problem, I’m going to make a new hit. Thanks guys!

Always use Windows add/remove programs where possible to uninstall programs, manually deleting files can make a real mess of things.

I restored the folder from the trash. Then I finished the download and now it works. Tnx