Cubase 7.0.2 / Cubase Artist 7.0.2 Update available

Maybe I just saw what I wanted to saw :smiley:

because I do have problems with a lot of my olds 32bit plugins, but well now I use jbridge and it’s a lot better (just a slow bounce)

Gotta say that I really am dedicated to learning and using Cubase and Cubasis and even ic pro . But for the hell of it, after 7 years of Cubase, I looked over at the Avid forum for the very first time. I know that there are some disgruntled users here but never expected to read the comments I saw over there.

They can’t run 64 bit and several posts clearly suggest very upset users with big problems ready to abandon pro tools. Not having any interest in the multitude of daw software programming out there I was really surprised since Cubase is my only exposure. I’m not a recording pro , just an enthusiastic hobbyist who started out with Cubase by seeing a great demo in 2002. I am so glad I’m here. …I could have wound up over there :open_mouth: