Cubase 7.0.3 / Cubase Artist 7.0.3 Update available

“show control panel” i mean.

Just updated to 7.0.3, everything went fine. Don’t seem to have any of the issues being discussed here. Guess I’m lucky. Haven’t checked everything out in detail yet however.

Two crashes today with 7.0.3! No crashes before with 7.0.1 or 7.0.2 (except some self-induced). Luckily got my song finished, so I don’t have to go back to 7.0.2, instead I can take a well earned vacation and start making music again when the 7.5 comes.

I can’t believe how crappy this update is.

I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about. I’ve already tried toggling all the MixConsole panels visible/invisible to try and iron out the glitch but none of that has worked.

Well, being a user who had no issues with C7 before (other than my minor issues). Now, I get hang on exit (actually Cubase stopped working…). Cant’ change buffer size with Tascam US1800, without closing and restarting Cubase. I changed nothing, other than the update. Also, mixer freaked the hell out tonight, for no apparent reason. Now I have to be ‘that guy’ complaining.

There seems to be something really wrong with the program somewhere. It obviously must take a huge amount to make software keep up with new OS, interfaces, and everything else, but it really sucks when I find that my sh*t don’t work anymore, because code was rewritten for something else…

Still happy for the most part myself, but a bit annoyed that upgrade does not work for previous version users, while trying to make things ‘better’ for the new sales of product.

I just get the feeling that writing software for W8, may be the reason for the screwed up things we are all seeing. It just does not seem to make sense why there are so many issues for users of previous versions, unless there is a need for Steinberg to make serious adjustments for new OS. Again, I haven’t any real clue, and I am just speaking my uneducated opinion.

I may just be talking out of my arse, but I was really hoping things would get better for others. Now, I am saddened that I may have to revert to a previous version, because things are getting bad for me now…

Welcome to the club…now, you can understand what many others have been dealing with!

This update works well for me…audio meter level has dropped from 70% to 40% and no stutters or spikes, yet! Mixer’s good, too!

Looking forward to 7.0.4


I know I know, I’ve already said all, a lot of times… situation under OSX after update to 7.0.3 it’s more dramatic than before, more bugs and a lot of crashes. I’m working with Elge to try to find some solutions now, OSX user just stay on 6.5.3 for work. Mostly of the crashes and bugs are with 3rd party plugs expecially when you try to load during the playback. Performance it’s not resolved and spikes. Songs imported from C6.5 seems to be more dangerous on C7 than new songs maded with C7. Same with Native instruments plugs. A looooooot of work to do.

Hope could be helpful.


Only issue i have with the update was it reset everything back to default setting… not a big deal but was weird when i opened my current project and NOTHING worked no sound, no control room nothing.

also all my recent projects list was emptied

no issue with resizing of mixer but i flip from project to mixer as u use AI or AC-7 to do this

I had 4-5 crashes today with 7.0.3, one of them with an empty default project only one stereo track loaded, no effects.

Still had some work to do, so I installed 7.0.2 back. Everything works fine now. I noticed it’s not possible to just reinstall an older update, you have to reinstall Cubase. Luckily I didn’t lost my key commands and preferences.

7.0.2 is amazing, the mixer windows open pressing just one key, can you believe that?!! And they open and close about 3x faster and the width of the tracks actually stays the same! Oh, and it’s stable.

Thanks for much needed Update.
Saving and loading channel settings works perfect now.
I can save the mix for channels and import it in other songs now.

There still must be a way to make that easier though.

I really like the free color change for the background, the arrange, tracks.
Not just the 10 main colors.

I like the mixing console very much, how you can zoom in any way you want. Full screen.
You can see insert, sends and cue mixes and the same time.
I would love to change the color of the whole channel, not just the buttom (pro tools wise)

One thing doesn’t work perfectly for my use though:
Track preset loading and saving for adding tracks.
I want to save a Folder Track with Audio Tracks, Group Tracks and a FX Track

I cannot save a Folder Track as a Track preset.
In version 7.02 I could save a group track, but not anymore.
I would love to save the whole Folder Track with the including Tracks.
Doesn’t matter what kind of track is inside the Folder.

Is there a work around ???
I need it in the normal recording process of a band.
Drums are recorded for 10 songs in 10 different projects.
Now I record the guitars (4 Audio Channel, a group track where those audio channels are send to,
and a fx channel for example, all in a folder track.
Now I record the first song. Have my settings.
I want to save this and import it in all the other songs.

This is what Track preset save and load would be for!!!


They should have you do interface design! So simple but effective. I like it!

After installing 7.0.3 I get crashes when saving an old project or even when trying to create a new folder inside the save window dialogue. I used to get this in 6.5 also.

After going back to 7.0.2 this problem does not occur.

Anyone else having this issue ?

Thank you very much for acknowledging these issues…!

Thats works thanks! you saved me a bunch of time.
Why both icons dont just show up when you hover over I dont know :unamused:

Great Steinberg and thanks for a great update!

+1 when I first saw “Mono | Stereo | etc…” I was like WHY??? I would think the way you have illustrated here would be the expected solution…I don’t understand the logic sometimes…

this is the most lazy re-implementation of a feature I´ve ever seen from Steinberg…booooo! :imp:

Yeah, redundant using the space to spell out something easily done with a symbol. I am sure they will change that. It just looks silly to me, seeing it printed out that way…

Thank you ! This is it. Exactly what I dreaming.
Helge ?