-Opening the mixer (with F3) now takes about half a second (enough to be very annoying), as opposed to instantly. This didn’t happen in .02.
-It would be great to have the option to NOT install the video-engine, having it enabled forces the system to the “Basic” colour scheme, which I don’t want. I always delete the dll to get rid of it.
Okay, there’s been lots and lots of comments about the way to indicate stereo or mono tracks. I personally really like having the text stating mono or stereo. I can also see that having a symbol of single or double circles is an elegant way of representing the same thing, although personally this would be my second choice. But please, let’s not misrepresent the reality of the (beautifully done) graphic mock-up. As shown, the symbols DO NOT save vertical real estate on the mixer as compared to the text. Both take about the same amount of space.
What’s the problem in having words rather than symbols anyway?
Oh man, I thought I was lucky, many persons complaining about the mixer behaving erratically, however everything worked for me. Until now.
Opening a project today and this is what the mixer looks like (see attachment). Something completely messed up. The bottom part is just cut away. No scrollbar to get it back into view. I am not able to work, help! I tried closing/reopening the mixer to no avail. Resizing the fader area does not reveal the missing bottom either.
EDIT: Fiddling around more resizing window, turning on and off options, now the chanel names etc. are back there. Don’t know what exaclty was the problem though.
I also like the writing because it allows to display a bigger portion of the channel color, which is great imho. I wouldn’t mind if the color was even more obvious.
Why would one need it indicated in the first place? The meter already gives it away 1 bar or 2 bars…, get it?!? 1 bar mono track, 2 bars stereo track… In my 20 odd years Cubase i NEVER did find the need for a stereo indication. 1 bar mono, 2 bars stereo… How hard can it be?!? Where id this retarted request came from in the first place?
The 7.0 release version mixer was not so good, we were getting on track with 7.02. The 7.03 mixer is the WORST of the bunch, perfomance and GUI wise. Please Steinberg get your act together, focus on a professional tactile mixer, without any of this mono stereo NONSENSE
and while at it, stop the “re-asses the screensize and auto lay- out mixer” too… Pressing F3 is a drag, cubase trying to recalculate and redraw the “optimal” mixer EVERY TIME!!!.. ridicilous…
It’s helpful when scanning tracks visually and setting up channels. The meters are insufficient because silent or panned audio will provide deceptive visual feedback on the type of track. Just because you don’t need a hard indicator, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a place… Anyway, the debate here isn’t whether we need a mono/MULTI-channel indicator, but which is the best way to implement one.
IMO, I have found the “classic” Cubase visual indicator very useful in the past and hope for it’s return.
Stein-VD is still crashing my graphics card every single time i try to start Cube-bugg 7. I’m not able to reach any program in the background and all graphics that are not Cubase breaks totally, leaving either a black or residue graphics if i move cubase down… This happens on every single startup and has never happened with any other program on my PC.
For me it is a total train-wreck release. Unusable.
I just purchased 7.0 and am waiting for delivery. I will be upgrading from 6.5.3.
Are the complaints here the minority out of the thousands out there? Can anyone step up and say that they aren’t having any issues such as these with 7.0.3?
I don’t think I push Cubase has hard as some of the people here do but I have had some well loaded tracks and ( I know this will jinx it ) but I have not experienced any of the issues discussed so far in 7.0.3 except for a SLIGHTLY increased startup time and then only due to some midi equipment changes I had made
BTW: Cmaffia
…your avatar looks familiar…being nearby, I wonder where I have seen you before…Al
So did I. I have to say that I’m now hesitant about upgrading, because 6.5 is working very well. I’ll probably make a disk image and then install the upgrade. If I don’t like it, I can always go back.
In Cubase 6.5, I spotted one glitch in the MIDI List editor: If you insert a controller event right after the last note event, the controller message becomes hidden. I wonder if that’s fixed in C7.
What I’d like to see is the ability to hide unused drum lanes in the MIDI drum editor. A right-click popup with “Can Hide” and a button on the top that allows the user to toggle the hidden state of the unused drum lanes. If that’s too complex of a software issue, then the ability to hide unused drum lanes in the Drum Map Editor would be great.
Another thing I’d like to see is a mini transport at the top of the editor window, so I can close the transport. (It sometimes gets in my way when I’m editing events)
Cubase is an -awesome- product. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
I am amazed when I hear of all the issues people are having.
Serious crashes . . blue screen . . . resizing issues. I have none of these.
I believe, though, that it IS a minority and - if not due to a computer or install or plugin issue - may be an un-identified hardware/graphics card incompatibility?? Maybe? Un-identified cause it’s rare?
I don’t know. I’m sorry for the people having issues. It’s quite solid for me.
I had 1 crash on 7.0 back when it was first released inserting a plug (Waves API). Never since.
Couple very small oddities - like loading a 7.02 project into 7.03 saved mix console “rack and channel” configurations don’t appear . . but if you save the one you’re on the others reappear - nothing major.
The program is solid and I love many of the new features.
Love the Mix Console - though I agree with some of the “visibility” complaints. I’m sure most will be tweaked.
I have 6.54 and 7.03 both 32 and 64 bit versions installed on the same machine.
No problems. No need to make a disk image.
Everything is related to everything. I had a serious problems with 7.0.3 like I posted in this thread. Black screen of death with Cubase (only hard boot possible). Got back to 7.0.2 and still got the black screen! Also every Youtube video resulted in black screen after only 30 seconds of wathing.
I took off my video card and now use only the motherboards integrated. No crashes whatsover and what’s weir, ASIO-load dropped from 50% to about 30% when I got rid off the video card!!! So maybe it’s my power supply after all and now when the power hungry video card is off, things work. Except now I suffer from strange hiss sound from my integrated sound card, the one usually laptop users get… Very strange indeed!
But after all, it wasn’t the 7.0.3 update, just a coincidence that something broke in my system exactly the same moment I installed 7.0.3!