Cubase artist 14- headphones

Hi, how are you? I’m okay. Can you please help me get sound in cubase cause I can hear my headphones, but only in windows not in cubase artist 14 although it is all connected please help me thank you later bye.

Hi, @Maria_Urbina

Few questions…

  • System and OS ?
  • What is your audio interface and does it come with a dedicated ASIO driver, set as so in the Studio > Studio Setup > Audio System panel ?
  • In the same panel, is the Release Driver when application… setting ticked ?
  • What do you have in the Studio > Audio Connections > Outputs panel (a screenshot could help) ?
  • Do you have no sound at all, or only in a specific context (tracking, recording…) ?

Additionaly, and if your system is Windows 10/11 based, I would suggest the reading of @Louis_R post, which makes an extensive explanation about how to set your whole system as wanted.

Hello cubic 13, how are you? :slight_smile: I have “ASIO driver” selected and things are connected that’s what it says, but no sound in my “cubase artist 14”. think cause I have to do something with my laptop windows 10 ( updated) because my laptop does have sound coming through the headphones but no clue please help me later bye.

I’m fine- Hope you are also. :slightly_smiling_face:

Concerning your setup and reading your previous post, I’m guessing that you don’t have a dedicated external audio interface, using the built-in audio chip instead : not the best way to work with Cubase, but well…

In this place (Studio > Studio Setup > Audio System panel), you have to do the mandatory selection of the ASIO driver that you’ll need to work with Cubase :

In it, there should be the Steinberg built-in ASIO driver listed. If you don’t have any dedicated ASIO driver, this is the one that you should use - the Generic Low latency… one being an older and no longer maintained version of it and brings too much latency to be used comfortably when tracking (recording in real time). If not listed, you can download and/or get more informations about it here.

Beside this, and from what I can read, the Steinberg built-in ASIO driver isn’t a multi-client one. So, I would say that you should tick the Release driver… option, this, to be able to hear Windows sources coming from an internet browser, in example, while keeping Cubase opened in the background.

After this, it’s all a matter of setting the available input/output busses in the different Studio > Audio connections panels, following the Artist Operation Manual.

Finally, you probably won’t be able to record sources from internet directly with this driver. To be able to do so, you’ll have, either, to purchase an audio interface which has a ‘loopback’ function embedded in its own ASIO driver, or use a dedicated recording software which doesn’t need an ASIO driver (Audacity, etc.) and import the audio files created in Cubase to work with them.

Hello, there how are you? I did fix the problem with the help of my tutor and with headphones is “Asio4all” cause I do have an interface connected but, thank you so so much. Now I have a the problem is the cursor not moving, but I contacted my college for help so thank you everyone for being a huge help in the community God bless you! :slight_smile: