Cubase crashed after minimizing files. Empty clips

Cubase crashed after minimizing files. Now my clips are empy. Any suggestion/workaround on how to restore the clip content?

Cubase 12_2024-10-25-100540_Alins-MacBook-Pro-2.crash (132.3 KB)

P.S. Before minimizing the files, when I opened the project, Cubase said that files are missing. I pointed to the files and Cubase accepted them, but everytime I would reload the project (or restart Cubase), I would continually get the missing files dialog. So I figured minimizing the files would help…

Tried to reimport the problematic wave files (the ones that cause the “missing files” dialog to appear), but I get:

The files playback fine in VLC, so… Hmmmm…

Tried to convert the 8 hour wave file to the same format using Wondershare UniConverter. The resulted file is 1 hour and 12 minutes, so not good.
I then tried to convert to mp3, which resulted in an 8 hour mp3 file (good!). But when I convert back to wave (using the same file conversion software), I get the same result as I got the first time (1 hour and 12 minutes, instead of 8 hours).
I then tried to import the mp3 directly into Cubase and problem was solved. All 8 hours were imported!!! Hooray!

Some files were already minimized, so I had to restore the audio material back to its original position, so I’ve made an Apple Script (+Cliclick) :grin:

tell application "Cubase 12" to activate
set dela to 0.2

delay 1
repeat 5 times
	tell application "System Events"
		delay dela
		keystroke "x" using command down
		delay dela
		key code 45
		delay dela
		key code 45
		delay dela
		keystroke "v" using command down
		delay dela
		key code 125
		delay dela
		do shell script "eval $(/usr/libexec/path_helper -s); cliclick kd:cmd"
		do shell script "eval $(/usr/libexec/path_helper -s); cliclick c:."
		do shell script "eval $(/usr/libexec/path_helper -s); cliclick ku:cmd"
	end tell
end repeat

tell application "Script Editor" to activate