Cubase Download Assistant

Hi Folks,

Spotted a post regarding the .50 update and tried to install it. No go.

CDA wants to install an upgrade to itself and if you wish to continue you have to click on the ‘OK’ button.

Fine, I click ‘OK’ and the update is downloaded and it starts to install and then fails because it doesn’t like something.

I have tried this over a few days and get no further.

I went back to the original Facebook post which included a link to the Download’s page and this fails as well but I have some more information.

Extracting files to temporary folder.
Extracting from Cubase_10.0.50_Update_win(1).exe
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Additional Content\VST Sound\Groove Agent SE The Kit SE\FCP_SMT_775
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Additional Content\VST Sound\VST Sound Content Update\PIC_SMT_1–_Content_Set.vstsound
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Cubase_10.0.50_Update.msp

Some installation files are corrupt
Please download a fresh copy and retry the installation.

Any ideas?


I tried running the eLicenser Control and it complained that it was too old! Huh?

Downloaded a new version and it now works as expected.

I down loaded the Steinberg Download Assistant and the 50 update to Cubase to an Apple computer, then to a USB stick and finally read the files from the USB stick on the Windows PC.


The Steinberg Download Assistant now refuses to open.
I uninstalled it via Programs and Features, installed it again, still no response.

Tried the 50 update and it still complains about the corruption as described above.

Thanks goodness 40 still works.

Confirmed here.
DLA tries to unsuccessfully update itself.
Got the install file from Steinberg and installed manually and now it refuses to open.
Looks munted.


Just bought 10 pro today… Download manager didnt work… so got direct .40 download link. Install looks to have gone ok. Downloaded .50 update twice - same checksum errors as above

Hi guys, I have exactly the same problems. Deleted existing version of Download Assistant, downloaded new version, won’t open. Downloaded Cubase 10 maintenance update .05, files corrupted. My friend on different computer has same problem. We are both from Australia, maybe it’s a regional issue? Hope Steinberg fix problem soon. The upgrade to the elicence worked fine.

same here, assistant is broken, update also broken, same corrupt install files message as OP, strange as we are all .au

Oh dear!

I just updated trough download assistant last night. I first had to update but after that all went fine. So probably computer related?

hi Download Assistant keeps crashing at the very end (after the 21.14 Gb has been downloaded) .
I have rebooted the laptop and retried, I have removed the contents of the downloads\steinberg\win64 and retried again. - several times.
Each attempt, I get the same behavior !
Very Frustrating.

Exact same problem here. Lucky i found this post. I was starting to panic.

DLA will not start. Tried multiple uninstall and install.
I tried un/reinstall Flash and Java made no difference
Tried the 10.0.50 file itself from the Steinberg download page and same Checksum errors as OP.
Also now eLicenser complains about being too old.

Any idea’s on a fix??

Same thing here.
Seems the 10.0.50 update i downloaded from the site worked best.
The Elisenser was OLD (NOT) but needed an update.
At last it worked and installed OK.

I have the same issue, WIndows 10.

Downloaded the installer from Downloads | Steinberg multiple times. Each time I tried to run it it gave thesame checksum error as OP got.

Failing that, I tried using the Download Assistant. It told me it was old so needed to upgrade itself but it just hangs at the end and becomes unresponsive. So tried to uninstall it and install it from the installer which works but then when you run it, nothing comes up (presumably crashes).

eLicenser also needed an update but that worked fine, the only thing that actually worked.

I have the same issue.

Downloaded the Cubase_10.0.50_Update_win file from the download page multiple times but there’s a problem with the installer, Checksum errors as per the OP.

Tried instead using the Download Assistant. It tries to update itself then just hangs and becomes Not Responsive. Try then to manually update from the installer which works. But then when you try to launch the Download Assistant, no response (presumably crashed).

The only thing that did install was the update to the eLicenser

Download assistant doesn’t run for me either.

How did you do it?? I can not run the DLA or the update from the website. Always the same Checksum error…


I am having the same problem with DLA and update 10.0.50.
My DLA was an old version so I updated it.
Then it would not load when double clicking on the icon. I did what someone did in a previous note and ran the application from the .jar file which did open DLA but on downloading, the .50 update would not verify and told me to try again later. I tried again 3 times with no result.
Then, I downloaded the .50 update directly from the Steinberg website but on trying to install it I got these errors.

Extracting files to temporary folder.
Extracting from Cubase_10.0.50_Update_win.exe
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Additional Content\VST Sound\Groove Agent SE The Kit SE\FCP_SMT_775
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Additional Content\VST Sound\VST Sound Content Update\PIC_SMT_1–_Content_Set.vstsound
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Cubase_10.0.50_Update.msp

I then updated my elicenser and the errors changed to this.

Extracting files to temporary folder
Extracting from Cubase_10.0.50_Update_win.exe
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Additional Content\Copy Protection Driver\eLicenserControlSetup.exe
Checksum error in Cubase 10 Update\Cubase_10.0.50_Update.msp

I tried downloading it 4 more times from the website and neither gave me a different result… :imp:
If anyone has any idea how to solve this, I would much appreciate it. It’s doing my head in.

There seems to be an issue affecting users in Australia.
Contact local support (through Yamaha distributor).
I got a very prompt reply to my email including a link to download the 10.0.50 update from an alternate source, which downloaded and installed without issue.

Hope this helps.

You can run the “Steinberg Download Assistant.jar” file from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\Download Assistant\app” and it launches the Steinberg Download Assistant.

But unfortunately, when I did the 10.0.50 update download from here, it fails anyway

Fantastic eh?

Any updates yet? I have tried a few times with no luck with DLA or the 10.0.50 patch