Cubase iC Pro 1.2.3 and Remote SKI 1.1 available (on sale until Jan 9, 2023 - ended)

Hi @jazztom,

just gave it the five * it deserves

Thank you very much - greatly appreciated!

Stay safe,

Hi @MarkRB,

Bingoā€¦so pleased its back. All working here as tested on a session this evening. Thank you, M

Glad to read, thanks for the positive feedback!


Hi @quark,

I was waiting the usual behavior of an opened finder window, but this is not the case and the mounted installer was behind some other application windows. I did not see it.
I feel stupid right now :laughing:

Totally fine, glad to read it worked out and everything worked as expected!


Hi @Pablin_Drummer,

Thanks for your feedback!
Nevertheless we hope you will enjoy using the new update!

Stay well,

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Hi @quark again,

Our support department reviewed and updated the Remote SKI 1.1 dmg installer.

Once clicking on the downloaded file, the dmg is immediately mounted and the folder gets opened immediately, as you would expect itā€¦

Thank you for notifying us about the problem.


Of course!

My iPad 3 iOS 9.3.6 doesnā€™t play de cubase IC pro 1.2.3ā€¦and. The 1.2.2 worked very wellā€¦I don.t know how to downgrade it.
I lost a lot with this upgrade.
Installed ski remote 1.1ā€¦an nothing happens.
The IC pro needs to locate the IPā€¦and when I put it manually disappear the IC proā€¦very sad

Hi , I just downloaded it . It works fine on small session but when Iā€™m switching to my Orchestral Template connecting to Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 . Cubase IC Pro lags and become irresponsive . It doesnā€™t show any of my mix console faders . It simply doesnā€™t work . The cause might be that my Cubase template session has too many tracks ā€¦

Julien .

Hi @Jordi_Clemente,

Thanks for your message and a warm welcome to the forum.
Did you enter the IP address which is shown in the Remote SKI window in Cubase?


And why does Steinberg release things only for a portion of its customers? Apple is not the standard nor the better choice for tablets/phones. This is very irresponsible to say the least. Itā€™s so frustrating receiving emails about new products for goddamn Apple as an Android user.

Steinberg should do due diligence to have its products tested and ready for all sides of the isle before taking it to the market. Or at least, ask its customers to submit their info about Android and Apple use, then be selective when sending product announcements for only one section of its customer base. So unnerving.

And the worst, they donā€™t say anything about when those products will be ready for Android customers. At least put a fictional date or even lie. At least that shows respect; people would think you thought about everyone even though you couldnā€™t service everyone.

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in my cubase 11 pro/windows10 I used to put it cuz they donā€™t detect automatically. Yes I did it. and doesnā€™t work.
In my mcbaook air Catalina/ Cubase 6 Ai that the autodetect ip runs wellā€¦when I click crashes in the same way.
When you put manually a wrong ip. It remains searching. If you finally opens cubase. when Ic pro founds the computerā€¦the sameā€¦ the Ic pro goes to a second plane and returns to the window tha you must put the ip or reconnect when the ip autodetect works well with catalina.
Sorry my english.

Hi @tibobdenazareth,

Thanks for your message.

I fully understand your frustration and we are sorry that Cubase iC Pro is available for iOS only. With Cubasis we took the extra mile(s) to offer the app on Android!

At least put a fictional date or even lie

Hmā€¦ this is not my way of thinking, sorry!


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I agree. Cubase IC Pro should have been released on Android years ago. It was a great little app when it was first released and then went, well it went nowhere. Many people (myself included) moved off the confines of ipad/iTunes and the Apple store onto Android. I would hazard the majority of steinberg users are in Windows/Android and would love IC pro as itā€™s (well could be) an essential integrated all for the for funnel users and, like other bespoke DAW assistant apps should be free!

Wow! I am so glad to see this App get a refresh! Thank you, LSlowak, you have made my life a better experience. Everything works beautifully.

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You can get the basic function on an Android phone; I used to use mine before I got an iPad. Install the SKI Remote program on your Cubase computer, then go to Studio Setup and see the IP address and port listed then type that into your browser on your Android phone. You can get basic transport control if thatā€™s all you need. At least this used to work - havenā€™t tried it in a while.

Well I managed to test this today. Thankfully it is working well and seems to be behaving well with the tempo now matching that on Cubase. It could do with a refresh so the resolution on an iPad Pro can fit more on the screen but itā€™s a good start. Please donā€™t leave alone for years though as it the whole interface could do with updating especially for iPads

Hello, iā€™m on win10, ski remote was working well and now iā€™ve got an http 400 error when trying to connect. did i miss something?, i used to use it in my studio for a long timeā€¦iā€™ve tried to updated the bonjour service but doesnā€™t help either. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Have you updated ski? Itā€™s working ok for me on windows 10 and 11

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Yes, itā€™s since iā€™ve updated to 1.1 .iā€™m on C pro 12.5.0 proā€¦ i was waiting this update for so longā€¦

Pleased it is now working. However, it doesnā€™t respond to Apple Magic Keyboard trackpad clicks.

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