Cubase ic pro with Cubase 12 not connected


I use Cubase ic pro with Cubase 12
Windows 10
unfortunately I can’t get the ic pro to work.

I tried everything that appears in the posts here and I tried everything written in thus article

Installed Apple Bonjour (about firewall i even shut it down)
Installed Steinberg SKI Remote

I would be happy to help, I’ve already tried everything. :pray:

Hi @joy

We are sorry to read about your issues.

Please take a look at our dedicated troubleshooting article, which hopefully helps, resolving the issue:

Warm greetings,

All the prerequisite steps are made.

Unfortunately, I still can’t solve the problem.

Hi @joy

Did you try to unplug and reboot your router, shut down and restart your mobile device and desktop computer? Apart from this I have no further ideas unfortunately.

Do you use iC Pro for iOS or Android?


I have tried To reboot my router. Not to unplugged.
I will try it.

I don’t know what else to do…

I use ic pro for android, through lcd monitor- computer touch screen
The ic pro app installed on my computer.

I tried to unplug the router , but unfortunately that didn’t help either

Hi @joy

The ic pro app installed on my computer.

Cubase iC Pro is available for Android devices only.
How do you run it on your computer?


There is a way, I have App Store on my computer and I downloaded the ic pro.
The ic pro app is opens , But unfortunately I can’t connect between ic pro to Cubase

Hi @joy

Cubase iC Pro is available for iOS and Android.

Get Cubase iC Pro on Google Play
Download Cubase iC Pro on the App Store

Important Note:
The Steinberg SKI Remote must be installed before using Cubase iC Pro and can be downloaded at .

We do not have a version which runs on a computer.
