Cubase Pro 11 and R.M.E. UCX Audio System problem

Hi @Martin.Jirsak , sorry for interfering but I have the same Issue with my Fireface 802, so maybe that helps. I opened a thread about it a few days ago: No Audio at Session Start and when inserting an external Device

Seems to be a problem with Cubase in combination with an RME interface. I mailed the RME support and they told me “The driver is in no way involved in Cubase-internal processes.”.

It happens with random projects, not only one and yes resetting the driver in the audiosettings or reconnecting the audio outputs helps (sometimes only after a few attempts) but it’s super annoying because it also happens in a running project when inserting an external effect.

I reproduced it with an empty project and one external insert (the audio stopped working after inserting the external insert) but I’m not sure if it helps in any way:
no_audio_after_inserting_external_plugin.cpr (355.2 KB)