Cubase Pro 11 and R.M.E. UCX Audio System problem

I’ll try this as soon as possible. The problem is that I’ll need several attempt, starting Cubase, to get meaningful results. FWIW and hoping it can help, it happens even more or less frequently with the following project, which can’t be describad as a ‘heavy’ one :

C13020_Minimal.cpr (1.5 MB)

Again, the same experience concerning this issue… :+1:

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Okay @Chriss I couldn’t replicate the issue with the buffersize at 2048 Samples (maximum) and also not with maximum buffersize and deactivted AsioGuard.
I also tried filling a project with cpu heavy plugins (to almost asio overload) and then inserting external effects but it still kept running as it should, I could’t replicate the issue like that.
But the issue returned when I did put the buffersize back to 256 Samples (my default) → I tried loading a few external effects and at the third external effect, I lost the audioengine again

Hi @jojojojojojonas ,
thanks for checking. The result points strongly towards the “repeated dropout” scenario. The audioengine tries to start, but runs into an overload immediately, time after time.
Please try with a larger buffer than with the default 256. This seems too small for your project setup and/ or your current system (it requires all audio to be processed in < 5.8 ms).
All the best

Hi @Chriss , thanks for your answer :slight_smile: Okay yes, the “repeated dropout” scenario sounds plausible (by the way, I don’t know if it’s important but I have no red “audio overload” indicator when the issue happens). But working with a larger buffer size can’t be a proper solution for that issue (only a workaround maybe, but also not really because the latency becomes too big for performing instruments).

  • in theory my system should be quite capable for low latency/low buffersize (AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, 64GB Ram, RTX 3070)

  • the audio performance meter barely shows any activity at 256 Samples buffersize in an empty project (but still the issue happens):

  • I don’t have the issue with other DAWs, like Ableton Live (even with the Buffersize as low as 64 Samples for example)

Ok… together with an RME interface, a 256 buffer should be no problem for your setup. I’ll get back to you with PM later.

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Is there already a solution here? I have exactly the same problem with an RME Fireface UFX II. So far I’ve only ever had sporadic failures, but they always occurred as soon as the project was opened (even with an empty project). But since yesterday (Cubase 13 upgrade and RME firmware update) it doesn’t work at all anymore. I don’t get any audio from Cubase, no matter what I set and how often I reset or switch the device. Everything works perfectly with a Behringer WING Asio driver in Cubase or with the RME driver in Studio One 6.

UPDATE: I just managed to get it working again by disconnecting and reconnecting a single output channel in the connections dialog. This issue is making me mad!

Another problem with Cubase+RME are random freezes where the Cubase Audio engine stops playing sound for anything between a few seconds and a minute or so. Then it just continues as if nothing happened.

I also contacted RME support, they claim that the issue is caused by an overload situation and that there’s nothing wrong with their interface. But I have these problems exclusively with Cubase + RME interfaces, so there must be something wrong in the combination of the two. I’m running a Ryzen 5 hexacore, 32 gigs of RAM, this should be more than enough performance for opening an empty (!) Cubase project and connecting to the audio interface.

Ping @Chriss

Sorry, this was supposed to be a private message.

It could be the case but then, I am wondering why the processing overload indicator remains black at the start of a Cubase session (the moment where the issue appears, on my end).

Beside this, setting the overall latency either at 128 or 256 samples doesn’t change anything, and I have tested this long enough now to be sure of it.

And I don’t like to say that but when starting a Reaper session, the RME ASIO driver is always functional, and I really mean ALWAYS. From which, I reckon that there is an issue about how Cubase detects the RME ASIO fireface USB driver at the beginning of a session. The problem is that the issue appears randomly, something like 4 times on 10.

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Yep, same here. Everything fine in Reaper.

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Do you have any solutions in meantime?
I have issues with the ufc2 .
Cracks and pops without going over 1/4th performance bar.
I’m on nuendo 12 and running on a Mac Studio M2 Ultra 128 gb.
A year ago the same system worked buttersmooth with way less preforming usage.
Can’t find witch updates causing this problem.

Unfortunately not. The issue is still under investigation. I’ve also had problems with cracks and pops without any load, but that issue eventually resolved itself. The thing is, I’ve tried a sh*tload of things to get this combination of RME + Cubase working and I can’t remember what change fixed it in the end. Maybe it was not even something I changed but a Cubase or Windows or RME update.

A theory of mine is that it has something to do with USB chipset drivers, because on another Windows machine everything works fine. And also every network-based interface I’m using (Vienna Ensemble, Dante, etc) works fine without any cracks, pops or audio system crash issues. With the same projects that the RME interface fails on.

Would be interesting to know if anyone has the same issues with the RME PCIe interfaces in combination with Cubase. That would rule out the USB theory.

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Quick update:
@jojojojojojonas and @jasal82 were reporting a complete audio loss with Cubase and their RME interface. I can confirm, that both systems show the same (presumably timing-related) issue, where the RME driver and Cubase get out of touch and the audio processing seizes operation. We’ll try to find a reproducer inhouse, to get it fixed asap. But I cannot promise a quick solution, unfortunately.
As for cracks and pops, that’s a different issue, which is not subject of this thread here, I’m afraid. I’m not aware of general performance issues with Cubase 12 on MacStudio M2 Ultra, @Bypas5 . Please create a new thread for this topic, and please also provide a few details (buffer size, sample rate, plugins used). Thanks!


When will this be fixed / patched? I’m having similar (probably identical) problem where there would be no sound whatsoever in Cubase Pro 13 (I use Babyface Pro FS). Happens around 10% of the time I load a project or even start a new project. Seemingly random. During these instances, audio connections are correct and the correct driver is selected. All drivers are up-to-date.

Win or Mac? What CPU do you have? @jojojojojojonas and @jasal82 are using Ryzen CPUs, and I’m wondering if that could be related to the issue.

Also, what motherboard are you guys using? I’ve seen discussions on the RME forums about problems with specific USB chipsets.

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Here, it’s an Asus Prime X470-Pro, used with an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, the motherboard BIOS/UEFI having been updated beforehand to work with the latter. No USB hub involved : the UCX is usually connected to one of the rear USB 3.1 connectors supposed to be fully backward compatible with USB 2.