Dealing with track delays using multiple libraries

I have created an expression map, custom playing techniques and a set of custom lua -scripts for cinematic studio strings:

Installing the key commands for these custom lua scripts requires editing Dorico’s keycommands_en -file, so with that you have to be very careful to save a back up of it.

These scripts make it possible to set correct offsets for the different legato transitions in CSS or CSSS.

For example, to set the velocities and offsets for a slow legato transition in tempo of 60 BPM, you’d:

  1. select the notes to be edited

  2. type [shift+S, S, 6]

There ”S” means ”slow legato” and ”6” means ”60 BPM”

It is not yet possible to set the offsets in milliseconds, so I created these scripts to get around that (until offsets in milliseconds are implemented.)

If this sounds complicated, it is probably best to start editing offsets the way Daniel described above!