Delete VST Instrument

Can’t seem to delete an empty instrument


On the empty one no matter what I do and how many times I hit the trash button it won’t go away. Quitting with it empty then restarting doesn’t get rid of it. What am I missing?

You can’t clear a VST unless it’s the last one in the list.

Thanks as always Leo. I did try that, but in my case the error is in the Playback Template (didn’t see the empty when I saved it), so I’m trying to get rid of it. I guess I’ll have to do the PT from scratch then, which isn’t a huge deal.

For the out of order problem why not just put a ‘re-sort’ button as is done elsewhere? Anyhow …

and how do I move it to the end of the list? if it’s one min the middle which I would like get rid of?

You just empty that slot in the rack, and then leave it empty. You can’t shuffle all the others up.

Could you maybe fix that? It’s annoying to have a lot of empty slots in the rack when using a multiple VSTis and the configurations keep changing.

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