Hmm, could that give any copyright problems when using my music in YouTube videos, for instance? I mean, if they are so eager to protect their sound by preventing anyone fiddling with them.
Maybe I am overthinking this, but I heard a few stories about Youtube and copyright infringements, where some people advise you to stay away from certain sounds and samples.
EDIT: Now that I remember, I think they said something like: “stay away from already premade melodies and vocals (royalty-free or not) - but it’s ok to use percussion samples and something less distinctive”. But that’s a whole another topic.
I have plenty of space. I’ll keep all of it, then.
I’m glad you know these things, because it sounds like a riddle or a puzzle.
So, in conclusion, I keep all the libraries and once I am more confident with Halion and Groove Agent, and if I’m tired of the restrictions, then I can remove or disable their limited versions?
And to remove SE editions of both I can just safely remove them from the download assistant without breaking anything? And then I leave the “Content” ones?
I swear, this Steinberg Download Assistant needs a total revamp. I could write an essay on how many things are annoying about it.
And finally, a bit on topic again. When using Halion, on the right side there is a list of presets in the Media section. To pick a preset I could double-click one. Or I can first select something on the list and then use arrow keys up and down and press Enter.
I also tried binding keys to “Track Preset: Next” and “Track Preset: Previous”, but when pressing those keys it just switches my entire VST out with something else, like Grand 3. This behavior seems random, because sometimes it does actually stay in Halion and switches the preset. But the problem is: 1). it takes longer to load and 2). I can’t see the selected preset in the Media section, anymore.
Any idea if there is a smarter way?
I am considering to set up an AHK script that emulates “up and enter” or “down and enter”, using a single key, if there is no better solution.