Is there anyone who is fluent with Dorico interested in producing digitised Dorico files from paper clarinet parts that will be 100% accurate . There are approx 50 clarinet parts in total. If this is something you’d like to do, at a reasonable price please message me with a rough estimate on total cost. They are 2nd clarinet parts and not too complicated.
Why not just learn to sight-transpose? It’s not all that difficult and can be a handy skill to have. Transposing 50 different works by a competent engraver would be quite expensive.
(Sorry, not interested)
As a young (middle-school) student I was made to learn Bb to A, A to Bb, Bb to C, A to C, Bb to Eb and for some reason Bb to F.
Thats a good point, l have some experience but l guess time was the issue rather than ability.
You could investigate PlayScore perhaps – John demonstrated how it can work in this recent Discover Dorico session:
Can someone explain the marking in this bar as I am not familiar with them please. Do they feature in Dorico?
How long are the pieces?
You mean the old-fashioned quarter-note (crotchet) rests that look like a ‘backwards’ eighth rest?
Yes, there’s an option for that in Engraving Options, but … I wouldn’t.
Yes, they apoear to be old fashioned rests but what are the forward slashes about // above the stave?
A full clarinet part for an arrangement.
A caesura mark. You’ll find it in the Holds and Breaths section.
In this same part, there are several bars that show an oboe part. These are written using a smaller not size (similar to grace notes). How can I input these small notes?
Are they not Cues? You’ll need to create an Oboe Player, enter its music, and then mark sections of the Clarinet part as having cues from the Oboe.
I’d suggest the Euphonium line is also a Cue, though it looks a bit excessive.
On my original paper copy there is only one stave for clarinet, if i create an oboe part will that show as a second stave? Is it possible in Dorico SE?
The material you’re working from is a Clarinet part from a larger work with other instruments?
For any instrumental work in Dorico, you would create all the players you need. These would ALL appear in the Full Score; and then each instrument/Player would appear individually in each part.
Normally, adding a new Player does not add it to Part Layouts: only to the Full Score.
Really?! That’s how I draw them by hand! Oh, I’m going to change it to this as soon as possible so that musicians hate me straight away!
Sorry, I actually understand now and found the Cue notes in Engrave - thanks
Cues are normally input in Write mode.
The only other thing l observed is that during the oboe part my Clarinet full bar rest move to the under side of the top line of the stave. How do l do this?
Can you show a screenshot of what you have, and describe what you want?
For the duration of the oboe part a full bar rest is placed above the notes to let the clarinet player know to count full bar rests during oboe parts. In the original paper copy this is shown by placing the normal full bar rest to the under-side of the top line of the stave.
Finally, there is a double bar line, followed by a key change, followed by a repeat bar line? Can you demonstrate this also please