This is done automatically when you use the cue feature. But you would need to add an oboe player to your project so that it becomes the source of the cue. For some reason, you don’t follow the normal workflow, so here’s how to do it in another way (which I do not recommend…). Select your oboe notes, context menu (right-click?) Voices>Change to (new) downstem voice 1. The clarinet notes are supposed to be on upstem voice 1. To better see the changes, make sure you use View menu>notes colours>Show voices colours. If the rest for clarinet is not there yet, simply invoke the caret, make sure upstem voice 1 is selected (little note at the bottom of the caret), type shift-B, rest, enter.
This would be a lot easier to help you with if your would post a (partial) Dorico file of the troublesome passage(s) along with a facsimile of (that part of ) the original music.
This looks like you’re not using Cues at all, but you’ve just added another voice and made the notes small.
Are you not producing a full score and parts for other instruments?
Here is the file in Dorico. I have used Cues in Engrave note.I want to add a rest into each oboe bar for the clarinet player.
Isle of Inisfree.dorico (677.1 KB)
and immediately after bar 56 there should be a key change to two naturals followed by a new repeat bar.
Cue feature is not an Engrave mode feature. What you’ve done is you’ve changed the size of notes to match the size of cue notes (I suppose, since I haven’t checked out your file). The solution I gave you earlier should solve your problem in that convoluted way…
You’re using a Full Score Layout for a Clarinet PART. As said, you’ve just added the Oboe notes to the Clarinet staff, and made them ‘cue-size’.
Here’s a revised file, with Oboe and Clarinet in the Full Score layout, and a Clarinet part, showing the Oboe as a Cue.
Isle of Inisfree.dorico (651.8 KB)
Benwiggy, thank you - that was very good of you. I have received the file and adjusted the horizontal position of the rests as required.
How can I do the double bar line / key change and new repeat section - as shown?
Add a start repeat barline at the required position.
Add a key signature change at the required position.
Set this Engraving Option to “double barline” –
Super, thanks
Invoke the caret, shift-b, trim. And get rid of the last system break, and anything that could last after the final barline.
Also try deleting the system break signpost on the final system, you shouldn’t need it.
If the bars aren’t going away even when you enter e.g. “-4” into the bars popover to delete 4 bars, there might be a notation that exists in the final bar that’s preventing them going away. You would need to share the project for anyone to help you say for certain.
Lillie and Mark, thank you - i will try that in the morning when l switch my mac on again. As i come to the end of this l have been troubled by this hightlighted bar.
What does it read to your eyes? When l input it, l am offerred an extra rest.
Yes, it looks as if a quarter (crotchet) rest is missing from that bar.
I managed to delete this offending bars (thanks Mark) but how can I pull the music up so that everything fits on one page? My staff size is already reduced to 90% so I guess its a margin s thing possibly.
Why are you reducing the Staff Size Percentage, and not changing the Staff Size in Layout Options?
Part staves are usually quite large, to be read clearly on the stand – usually 7.0mm or more.
You can reduce the Note Spacing (also in Layout Options), which may help you get more bars on each line.
You could also reduce the Ideal Gap between systems, and reduce the space for the titling.
Also: those bar rests are horribly clashing with the Oboe cues. The defaults are much better.
A job like this should actually involve very few manual alterations. “Always try to do less.”
benwiggy, I managed to get the music reduced onto one page as you suggested but still cannot move it up slightly closer to the title. File attached. Would you mind viewing the file and giving me feedback on how it looks now. please.
Isle of Inisfree.dorico (817.1 KB)
You’ve manually removed the Flow Heading from the page, instead of using Layout Options. DON’T make manual adjustments whenever possible. Look for the Layout Options.
Isle of Inisfree.dorico (827.5 KB)
Ive removed all your System Breaks, and reduced the Note Spacing for the Layout to 3.5 spaces. I’ve reduce the Music Margins for the Layout, too.
I’ve removed all your manual adjustments to the Page’s text frames; and made similar edits for the Page Template. (In case you want to make other parts for other instruments.)
I think you need to sit down and go through some of the video tutorials and Discover Dorico Sessions, and see how it all works, as you’re making a rock for your own back by doing the wrong thing.
Benwiggy, l appreciate your comments and changes you have made. I guess it makes sense for me to take your advice and watch some of the video tutorials.
Thank you
benwiggy, I have played my clarinet part through and it is so much easier to follow than my ancient paper copy. One question I would like to ask. In the old paper copy the oboe part shows one of the notes as an accidental (an Ab) -
first note in bar 14. Can I change this to show the same accidental in my copy?