Direct Offline Processing enhancements coming to Cubase 9.5?

HI there – I posed a similar question over in the Nuendo forum, but hoping the mods or one of the product managers might be willing to share an answer here.

I was wondering WHEN or IF the newer, enchanced Direct Offline Processing (DOP 1.5) that was released in Nuendo 8.1 will show up in Cubase 9.5? The DOP 1.5 enhancements are really outstanding compared to Nuendo 8.0 and the current version in Cubase 9.5, greatly increasing the usefulness of the feature. Any chance this is coming soon to a maintenance update during the Cubase 9.5 lifespan? Or maybe Cubase 10?

Yeah, user presets are much needed with this IMO


Quick follow up on this thread that Steinberg released a new update today – Cubase 9.5.10 – and it does NOT contain the DOP 1.5 enhancements. However, it does contain a couple of bug fixes. FYI - The following thread is discussing DOP issues and may be more relevant to follow at this point: