Displaced bassa when reducing size of 8

If I set “Ottava” to 80%

and use 8ba I get

(even it I set the ‘bassa’ to 80% too)

but in 100% I get



There seems to be some error when using the “bassa” option.

Yep, this has been reported multiple times before. Daniel’s answer from 2019:

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Would anyone ever think that a line underneath the staff might be alta? :grin:

Traditional engravings from many leading publishers usually just used the 8 with no suffix. (Thus avoiding disputes about which suffix to use…)

I only use “8” with lines above or below. The ‘bassa’ case above happened when I tried to reduce the size of “8”. I was an observation only, which, apparently, had been reported before as @Mark_Johnson wrote. I don’t like the “ba”, “va” etc. Breitkopf used the ‘plain’ 8 in their old engravings, and so do I.

(I’m unsure what is most ‘classical’, dashed or dotted line. I guess dotted. There was some creative use of dotted lines in old Breitkopf editions with several break-points to ‘follow’ the music. Perhaps we will see that in a future Dorico version too.)

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