Do I need a MIDI controller or a keyboard with MIDI control?

I hope I understood your topic correctly but…

This controller will add real-time functionality of knobs and sliders for any vst that you use with your keyboard that does not have knobs/sliders. Like I said, I primarily use it to control my VB3 vst which has (IMO) the perfect Hammond/Leslie organ sounds I love. However, you can connect it to work the CB mixer (which I did too) and I imagine almost every other vst that allows it.

This controller gets connected to the computer via USB. Setting it up to work with your keyboard and/or Cubase involves working in the “Device Setup” section of CB and I have to admit the procedure for doing this was very confusing and time consuming for me to understand. I set mine up maybe 3-4 months ago and it has been working perfectly ever since. Sorry but I really don’t remember exactly how I got it to work but, if I can figure it out anybody can figure it out. :wink:

Hopefully someone who is more of an expert on how to connect these midi controllers will chime in to explain it further if you need them too.

During my learning experience for how to connect this controller I referred to these topics. Hope they will shed some light on the procedure for you too.

Regards :sunglasses: