Does Cubase 13 not support MP4 or MOV video files?

The video engine seems to be compatible between 12 and 13, so you can use the v12 video engine without a problem in v13 as a workaround until Steinberg fixes this. I just imported a > 2 h movie file mp4 in 13 with the v12 engine, and it worked beautifully.

Here is how (I’m on Windows):

  1. Close Cubase. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Go to C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 13\Components
  3. Rename videoengine.dll to videoengine.dll_13. Confirm the warning.
  4. Rename VideoCodec-Apple-ProRes.dll to VideoCodec-Apple-ProRes.dll_13. Confirm the warning.
  5. Go to C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 12\Components.
  6. Select videoengine.dll and VideoCodec-Apple-ProRes.dll.
  7. Right click and chose “Copy” symbol or hit STRG+C.
  8. Go to C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 13\Components.
  9. Right click into the empty space and chose “Paste” symbol or hit STRG+V.

Works beautifully here. Please don’t forget to undo this change before installing any further 13.x update, otherwise the existing files won’t be accepted by the updater and consequently won’t be updated. That’s why you made a backup in step 3+4. Just delete the copies from 12 and rename the backup files to their previous names to undo it.

Have fun


Thank you. I will try this as it wasn’t updated in the latest version and I have a video working in 12 that I would like to work in 13.

Works well with Cubase 11 also, many thanks for the info :slight_smile:
I do not understand Steinberg is not capable to have a simple patch like this on the distribution kit.
Their behavior is not professional with this issue, really not oriented customer care, surprising …
Keep on rockin

My solution to add videos on cubase 13 ai.
Works with windows11. I use windows own moviemaker and convert file with basic mv settings. Every video works now
I’ll think it’s because windows11…

It’s not win11 as my the video I had problems with works fine on win11 and Cubase 12. I was part way through a project and didn’t want to go through re-encoding for cubase13. This could have been fixed in the last release as it’s been accepted as a bug.

Steinberg will fix it in the next major release to incentivize you to spend $199 to upgrade. That’s why I’ve moved on without Cubase. (Although I do enjoy reading my weekly forum summary email to see that people are still suffering.)

Steinberg recommends xmedia recode as compatible.
What worked for me are user defined settings, Format: MP4, extension: .mp4 and letting everything else standard.

re-encoding with handbrake did not work. VLC crashed on both the original and the handbrake file for whatever reason, producing an actually broken file in the process.

As a kind of lateral thinking aside, I’m curious as to what software Cubase now uses to display videos.
Story time:
Up until a couple of months ago, I had no problems playing videos in any version of Cubase. Then, problem. I had bought a new GPU. I went from an AMD 6700 XT to an AMD 7900 XTX. Now Cubase 13 and 12 can only play MOV video files. MP4s just flicker shades of green and the first few frames of the video. Cubase 11 (I used to have 10 and 9, but no longer) continues to play all videos just fine.
I firmly believe this is a “hardware acceleration” issue. I had the same issue in my browsers (BROWSERS) but cured it by turning off said acceleration.

Win 10 all up to date, ditto AMD drivers, Cubase. Have tried older AMD drivers, same result, Pro and standard.

Sorry, I’ve made a mistake and video imports are working on my side.

After forcing Windows (10) to run Cubase13 in ‘High Performance Mode’ (search for graphics settings in Windows) it works fine

I know it’s an older thread now, but just upgraded to 13 and ran into this issue. I had the same problem with 10.5 when it came out, and had forgotten what the fix was.

I can confirm this is the best solution. Cubase can see and open/import these files just fine, but if you’re in Windows, you need to tell Windows (10/11, doesn’t matter) to give Cubase more priority for video use. No converting your MP4/MOV files. Just do this (takes 2 minutes tops) and use all the same files you enjoyed with previous versions of Cubase.

For those that need a full “How to”:

  • Search for “graphics settings”(or if you like the long way around: Settings > System > Display > Graphics) in Windows.
  • Look under the “Custom options for apps” heading
  • Select “Desktop app” from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on “Browse” to locate your Cubase app file (typically under: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 13).
  • Now double-click on the Cubase 13 app icon (or click on “Add” at the bottom right corner of the Explorer window).
  • Cubase 13 now appears in the list of apps in the Graphics Settings window. Click on the app to select it, and click “Options” to open the Graphics preference window for Cubase 13
  • Select “High performance” in the Graphics preference window
  • Click “Save”, and close all Settings

You should now have no trouble importing all MP4/MOV files into Cubase 10, 11, 12,13 whatevers…on a Windows 10/11 DAW machine. You don’t even need to restart.

Cheers, and thanks for the reminder @hollnbuc on where to look.


Thanks, it worked for me.
Nevertheless, Steinberg, this is not acceptable.

I haven’t read all the post, but for myself i had problem with some video that had low frame rate under the 23.98 fps that allows Cubendo, i had to convert them in the free Resolve to the Rate that is compatible for Cubendo (see picture).
As i can see on your post that your video is at “Video Frame Rate : 12”

But then I went and “upgraded” my GPU. Now, problem!

Interesting, I had the same problem but it turns out running Cubase as an administrator solved my problem! OCCUM’s Razor! Still not good Steinberg!

Well, I’ve tried all the solutions offered here, and a good few others, all to no avail. Cubase and my 7900 just don’t want to know. I could try installing Win 11, but I’m not that desperate.

I think I might have found what is going on here. I recently downloaded Nuendo to try out, and opened that old Cubase 12 project that successfully loaded the MP4 file, but which Cubase 13 choked on. Nuendo 13 choked on it as well. I did find an MP4 file that WOULD load in Nuendo 13, and after comparing the MediaInfo files of one that I was successful loading (a newer one) and the old one (along with several others that wouldn’t load), I discovered that the one that Nuendo would load used AVC with a Constant Frame Rate, and the one that it choked on used a Variable Frame Rate.

So I went back into Premiere Pro CS6 and re-rendered the file that loaded in Cubased 12 but choked Cubase 13 using the old Preset, but changing it to use AVC with a Constant Frame Rate (that was the only change). I renamed this file to match the previous file (that Cubase/Nuendo 13 chokes on), and re-opened the project. This MP4 file loaded without issue.

It appears that between Cubase 12 and Cubase 13, Steinberg dropped support for AVC with Variable Frame Rates (or something that had the same effect). I can still bring up the VFR MP4 file successfully in Cubase 12.

And, yes, I know the manual for 13 clearly states that Variable Frame Rate video is not supported here.

If Cubase/Nuendo 13 chokes on your MP4 file, check to make sure it has a Constant Frame Rate video codec.

Hopefully this helps someone and we can put this to rest.


Cheers and appreciate the information. However, I want to do things create things like pick up my iPhone take a short video clip incorporate it with some music. Not pay for a coverter. Really isn’t that hard? This is quite sad and should be fixed in Cubase 13. Sorry I can’t upgrade anymore as I have a perfectly fine iMac 27 inch screen from 2013 but hey ho I have to drop another couple of thousand just to get the latest update. Forget it.