Dorico 3, demo?

Can the Dorico 3 have a demo before buying?

Looks like the Trial version for Dorico 3 is not ready yet. The link for it went up and down a few times during the past 1-2 hours, when it was up it still linked to Dorico 2, the trial activation key for 2 can’t be used for 3.

It has already been said somewhere that a trial licence will be available in several weeks’ time. This is common Steinberg practice - a new product is launched and available for purchase, but no trial licences are made available initially. I have no idea why they do things this way.

If you want a trial you’ll need to wait a week or two - this is how it worked with Dorico 1 and Dorico 2. My guess (and it really is just a guess) is that Steinberg don’t want trial users clogging up the download servers while paying customers are waiting to download their purchases.

Thanks !!

The team may want to give priority to Dorico 3 customers for a couple of weeks before helping newbees navigate the demo. It allows them to give concentrated attention to all their users and prospective users.

I’m eager to try the new condensing feature of Dorico 3.

Those “couple of weeks” like someone mentioned are long gone. When could we expect the demo version?

With Apple’s Catalina OS supposedly coming out Oct 4, the Team may be waiting to bring out the 3.1 (or 3.0.1) update until they can verify reliable Catalina support and will hold off until then to release the demo rather than releasing a demo that is not Catalina compatible.

(I didn’t expect Catalina’s release so early in Oct–if the rumors are true–but figured the first Dorico 3 update would wait for that.)

The demo will be available soon – we expect availability in about a week’s time. The delay has been a little longer than expected, due to a short delay in the localisation of the emails that trial downloaders receive. We will email everybody who is on our mailing list who has expressed an interest in Dorico and has not yet upgraded to Dorico 3 (at least as far as our records tell us) when the trial version is available to download.

There is already another demo license for all Steinberg products. This license ships with all USB eLicensers shipped by Steinberg products. HOWEVER, it has only 24hrs total test time of all Steinberg products.

Thanks Daniel for the update, I’ll wait patiently!

The trial version is now available here.

Daniel and the entire development team thank you! :slight_smile:
Wow, I still had the patience to wait for D3. If fixed bugs D2, then I will buy.

A few hours ago I’ve tried twice to request a Dorico Pro 3 trial, and while I got this message…

Get ready to try Dorico Pro 3

You’re almost done. Check your email account (also the spam folder) now. Look for an email from Steinberg with an activation code and a download link. Follow the instructions to get started.

…I didn’t receive any mail. Not in my inbox, not in my Spam box.

Am I doing something wrong?

My email address can be found in my forum account details.

You’re almost certainly not doing anything wrong, but if you’re able to create a new Steinberg ID with another email address, that might be worth a try.

This interests me greatly. I recently bought a Steinberg USB eLicenser but I don’t seem to have the 24h ‘All applications’ trial license. Is this only for ones bought direct from Steinberg? Do you need to apply for this license? I bought mine from Amazon.



Daniel, is there any potential problem with having more than one Steinberg ID? I am hesitant to do so if there may be some confusion down the road regarding licensing with Steinberg’s servers, etc. I’m also curious as to why current users of a previous version need to create a superfluous email link to demo a newer version. One reason I’d like to try a demo is to see any performance hit I may encounter on my current MacBook Air.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

I believe this trial license is only included on USB-eLicensers that come with Cubase, Nuendo and WaveLab. An unbundled USB-eLicenser will always be empty.

Obviously you shouldn’t need to create a new Steinberg ID in order to receive an activation code, but it’s a possible way of goosing the system into sending you one. Provided you continue to sign in using your original Steinberg ID once you’ve received your Dorico trial activation code, I don’t there can be any real harm in having a second Steinberg ID.

Thanks for your clarification. Will the eLicenser shipped in Dorico Pro package offers the same 24hrs all-Steinberg trial license?