I’m trying to write a tremolo between G and B (dotted eight notes). I click the tremolo button and nothing happens, Am I doing something wrong? Thank you very much!
I’m trying to write a tremolo between G and B (dotted eight notes). I click the tremolo button and nothing happens, Am I doing something wrong? Thank you very much!
The two notes of the tremolo need to be identical in length, not just in actual length but in displayed length. So one needs to use Forced Duration to make the two dotted-eighths before applying the tremolo.
I’m overlooking the potential way this ignores the practice of breaking the mid-point of a measure.
That is a long-time-awaited request (of mine) : until now, you NEED to use force duration to make this work (click on the b, press o, 4, 5, 5). Hopefully, this won’t be necessary when time will allow this implementation…
Ninja’d by Derrek
[Edit] A quick search shows me I’m not the only one expecting this… and I don’t want to repeat myself.
This is a force duration issue, I think. Input the b in force duration, that it is shown as dotted eight (not tied). It should work then.
Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your help!!! I’m very happy that I learned something new accidentally (I didn’t know how to use force duration).
I’m a huge fan of this forum! Good night!
Was going to ask this very question, nice to know it can be done via force duration!
Hi gang
I’m having issues with tremolos. The requirement of having identical forced note durations for the two notes has me scratching my head sometimes. It would be simple if I could just place a whole/half/quarter note at each end, click the tremolo icon and Dorico does the rest. Unfortunately, there can be no rests between the notes.
How does one notate a minim+semiquaver as a forced single (forced duration) note? Is it a minim plus three or four dots? I find myself compromising what I am trying to notate in order to get Dorico to create a tremolo.
Interestingly, using trills with the appropriate interval specified (e.g., Perfect 5th) is much easier and the playback is better. Alas, as a student, my mentor insists that I use the traditional tremolo notation.
Attached is a small segment consisting of both a tremolo version and a trill version of the same bit of music. The trill version is laid out as I intend and it plays back very nicely. The tremolo version has added notes to fill in the gaps left by my best approximations for forced durations. Also, notice the playback of the tremolo notes in the bass clef are being “sidechained” by the notes in the treble clef; causing a “ducking effect”. Deleting the treble clef notes rectifies the problem, but then those deleted notes are sorely missed.
Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Tremolo Issue.dorico (1.2 MB)
I personally, for readability, would notate like this (you can decide to add a slur or ties for the A, to better define that this is a “one long notes” tremolo):
Thanks Christian.
I’ll give this a go (with added ties). I thought I had to have strictly two notes representing the duration of the tremolo. Your suggestion certainly is far more liberating.
The tremolo version is standard notation since the 19th century; no need for ties because they are multiple notes.
Good’o. Thank you Mark.