I have taken a quick look and I can see a few things that are odd (FYI @Ulf - this is TST-6687). The cause seems to be quite different to the others in this thread, and one I haven’t encountered before, so maybe Ulf has some more insight.
The audio engine seems to be hanging on exit as it’s waiting for something in MediaBay.
However, there’s also some other strange things – normally only VST plugins get scanned on startup, but in your case there are lots of other system dlls there too which suggests that either you have added a system path to your VST directory list, or you have copies of system DLLs in places that they shouldn’t be.
There’s a few things I can suggest initially. I think it’s worth resetting the preferences back to the defaults to ensure that Dorico and the audio engine can start up correctly. Ensure the Dorico5 and VSTAudioEngine5 processes aren’t running (kill them in the task manager if they are) and delete the directories:
- %APPDATA%\Steinberg\Dorico 5
- %APPDATA%\Steinberg\Dorico 5 AudioEngine_64
(save a copy of them first if you wish). If Dorico is able to start up normally then add the VST plugin paths back one at a time and check that it is able to start up correctly after each one.