Hi @wkurz, why do you suddenly post here in the English forum and not in the German anymore?
Also, the Activation Manager.zip I don’t need, I need the diagnostics report, please.
Again the same old problem reappears after updating to Dorico Pro 5:
‘Waiting for audio initialization’ and ‘Dorico cannot connect to the audio engine.’
Dorico Pro 4 works, but Dorico Pro 5 doesn’t. Strange! Luckily I can continue my work on Dorico Pro 4. Can anyone help?
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (1.3 MB)
Thanks for the diagnostics. Contained are two crash files of Dorico itself, so I can’t help on that end, therefore paging my colleagues @dspreadbury and @PaulWalmsley .
I have had a look at the crash logs and there are a few strange things. There are crash logs for both Dorico 4 and Dorico 5, and they are inside the networking code that connects to the license engine (Steinberg Activation Manager) . We have seen similar reports of this before but we’ve never been able to reproduce the problem.
I’d suggest firstly rebooting to ensure any stale processes are closed and try again running Dorico 5. Be careful if you run Dorico 4 then Dorico 5 – wait a few seconds after closing one and starting the other to ensure that the processes are closed and devices are released.
I can see this line in the logs which might suggest some other problem:
2024-08-30 10:41:43.023 [info] Running License Engine is not correctly signed
Are you running any Antivirus or security software that isn’t MS Defender? It might be worth uninstalling and reinstalling Steinberg Activation Manager to ensure that the installation isn’t corrupted.
Hi, I also have the same problem now and then. Restart the computer works after a few attempts.
As #Ulf said I tried to find the SteinbergMediaServer corrupted file but I don’t see it on my computer. What I find is Library/Application Support/Steinberg/MediaServices/ServicesRunning.xml
I have a MacBook Pro 2,6gig 6 cores i7, 32gig running Sonoma 14.6.1
I really don’t know what to do???
Hi @Martin_Caron , please let’s first create a diagnostic report and post it here. There can be several reasons for this to happen. With the diagnostics I get a better first overview. Thanks
Hi Ulf,
I’m experiencing the same problem here. I tried to open DORICO 5 but it crushes with the message “cannot connect to the audio engine”.
Could you help me as well?
I attach Dorico Diagnostics file.
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (1.3 MB)
Welcome to the forum, @NozomiTK. It looks like you have an old version of Groove Agent SE installed on your computer, and it’s causing a problem. Can you please make sure you’ve installed the latest version, 5.2?
Thank you for your reply. I only have MS Defender. And I uninstalled and reinstalled the Steinberg Activation Manager. But I get the same error. Here’s the new diagnosis file.
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (1.3 MB)
It appears that you have the WavesShell plugin – this is known to cause problems because it pops up a window that hides behind the application window. See Ulf’s post about this: Dorico unable to access audio engine, unable to complete installation - #14 by Ulf
When I rename the VST3 folder, Dorico 5 starts. I moved the WaveShell plugins, but that didn’t help. Nuendo tells me in dialog window when a certain plugin doesn’t load and disables it. Does the diagnosis file tell which plugin is the problem?
BTW, Dorico 4 starts as normal with the VST3 folder enabled.
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (327.7 KB)
Try the procedure I outlined in this posting.
@MichielV - I’d suggest focussing first on the Komplete Kontrol plugins, or check that your Kontrol is connected and powered on.
I connected the Kontrol keyboard and ran the Kontrol software. And now Dorico 5 starts with no problems. Thank you.
That’s great to know – glad we got there in the end.
I am experiencing an issue with the audio engine, which causes Dorico to stop functioning. I have attached the diagnostic file that was saved after clicking the terminate button for your reference.
Thank you for your assistance.
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (2.0 MB)
Hi Ricardo,
I can see that there are two things in the diagnostic file that often cause problems.
The first is WaveShell, used by the Waves plugins. When Dorico starts up and scans the VST plugins, WaveShell often pops up a window that gets hidden behind Dorico (I think perhaps if an iLok isn’t connected). This causes the audio engine to timeout. So run Activity Monitor and ensure that Dorico5 and VSTAudioEngine5 aren’t running, then start Dorico again, and when it appears to hang, switch windows to check for the Waves plugin so you can dismiss it.
The other potential problem is that you have Komplete Kontrol, which can also cause a hang on startup if the device isn’t connected, so try connecting that and running the Kontrol software, as MichielV mentions above.
Thank you so much for your help! I followed your advice, and it worked perfectly. I made sure to check for the Waves plugin and connected my Komplete Kontrol, and now Dorico is running smoothly. I really appreciate your support!
Hello, I am also experiencing the same audio engine problem with Dorico that everyone else has experienced. I have attached the diagnostic file that @Ulf provided to someone else at the start of this discussion. I am using windows10, with EastWest Opus.
Dorico5DiagnosticsReport.zip (1.4 MB)
Thanks for your help.
I have taken a quick look and I can see a few things that are odd (FYI @Ulf - this is TST-6687). The cause seems to be quite different to the others in this thread, and one I haven’t encountered before, so maybe Ulf has some more insight.
The audio engine seems to be hanging on exit as it’s waiting for something in MediaBay.
However, there’s also some other strange things – normally only VST plugins get scanned on startup, but in your case there are lots of other system dlls there too which suggests that either you have added a system path to your VST directory list, or you have copies of system DLLs in places that they shouldn’t be.
There’s a few things I can suggest initially. I think it’s worth resetting the preferences back to the defaults to ensure that Dorico and the audio engine can start up correctly. Ensure the Dorico5 and VSTAudioEngine5 processes aren’t running (kill them in the task manager if they are) and delete the directories:
- %APPDATA%\Steinberg\Dorico 5
- %APPDATA%\Steinberg\Dorico 5 AudioEngine_64
(save a copy of them first if you wish). If Dorico is able to start up normally then add the VST plugin paths back one at a time and check that it is able to start up correctly after each one.