A lot of difficulty to mount a template with several banks. It goes with Spitfire BBC pro, but it’s bad with everything that is Vienna (excluding synchon, which has its template), for example Special Edition, Jazz drums or instruments like the Sax Tenor or the Upright. Sad. I own Artconductor from Babylonwave for Cubase and Dorico claims to import the Expression maps from Cubase, but nothing goes (in Cubase, yes, so the import is failing). I had thought of creating a “Natural” joint to tell Dorico the default joint, but it doesn’t always work. Worked very hard for crumbs. I probably have to go back to Sibelius, unfortunately (this takes me away from the day I master Dorico, which is my goal), or do everything in Cubase and its bad score (before returning to Dorico or Sibelius for the layout).
If someone can help, that would be appreciated. I don’t have to be the only one using Dorico and Vienna outside of the Synchron suite.
There are expression maps for all of the following here:
VSL SYzd Solo Strings
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1 PLUS
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1-2
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1-2 PLUS
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1-4
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1-4 PLUS
VSL SYzd Special Edition Vol 1-7 PLUS (Dimension instruments)
VSL SYzd Woodwinds
VSL Synchron Brass
VSL Synchron Elite Strings
VSL Synchron Elite Strings and SYzd Woodwinds
VSL Synchron Elite Strings, SYzd Woodwinds and SY Brass
VSL Synchron Strings Pro
VSL Synchron Strings Pro and SYzd Woodwinds
VSL Synchron Strings Pro, SYzd Solo Strings, SYzd Woodwinds and SY Brass
It’s not close to comprehensive, but I made one for the VSL Jazz Drums - Sticks set. I posted a few samples in this thread. I guess I never posted the expression map because I never got around to finishing it.
Hello. My question excludes everything that is Synchron (I know that maps exist for Synchron, as I say above) — I also meant Synchronised… So we are no further ahead.
Sad that you have not finished the Jazzdrums for Dorico. Have you tried from cubase’s map expression (in import)?
Thanks for the Upright, I’ll go see (even though I have the full version).
I’ve just given a look at the VSL Jazz Drums manual, and as far as I see the mapping is the same as the standard GM Drum Kit:
“With this versatile and economic General MIDI set, you only need two keyswitches to change between playing with sticks (C1) and playing with brushes (C#1). Use the ModWheel to change the position of your drum sticks or brushes (from center to edge).”
I will for sure customize other things to my taste, but making the drums play can be done with no further programming than choosing the General MIDI Kit. This explains why there isn’t a dedicated percussion map.
They also make non-GM sticks and brushes projects for VEP that are much more complicated. When logged in to VSL, check MyDownloads/Tutorials/Templates to get the Jazz Drums Projects. I mostly completed a map for the Sticks set found there.
I have the one I had been working on last Spring at home. I’m away and only brought my iPad, so I won’t be able to access it until Thursday. I’ll see if I can get my act together and complete when I’m back, then I’ll post it.
For what I can see, the “big” drum set is extremely complicated. It is for sure the real one, but I would only use it if one is ready to create all the needed custom techniques in Dorico, and deal with them in the score.
If all that’s needed is the basic (but already very rich) Drum set, I would simply load the GM Full version in Vienna Instruments Pro, and just use the General MIDI percussion map to drive it.
Load the GM Full preset in Vienna Instruments Pro.
Import the corresponding Cubase expression map(s) in Dorico. Sorry, not at my computer, can’t remember the name, and if there is one good for both sticks and brushes,
Select the General MIDI percussion map offered by Dorico.
That should work.
I’ve ignored this drum set for too long. It’s an incredibly accurate sampling, with every detail captured: position on the skin, type of flam, length of roll, mix between close and room mics. Shame it is so difficult to use. I hope they will ‘Synchronize’ it, because the Synchron Player would make everything a lot easier.
It is well noted Paolo. Thank you again. Yes, the recording of this battery is wonderful. Like the Upright. But the full battery is so difficult to use, as you say… I know that the person in charge of this work at VSL is very proud of it (I don’t know his name anymore, but we’ve already communicated a little bit). However, VSl abandons the thing. It is a question of the market, perhaps.
I can’t really remember what stage of completion this was in, but it seems to work pretty well anyway. I didn’t really have an expression map other than putting the dynamics on CC7. Percussion map and kit for the VSL Jazz Drums Sticks kit attached below.