Hi @ma77yd07ca1m , yes, it is surprising with the Native bundles there, but they do no harm.
When the audio engine is stuck, please launch the Activity Monitor app and at the top of that window are three icons, one is a circle with 3 dots inside. Please click on that and from the pop-up menu choose Spin Dump. That will take some seconds, then save the output window and send me. Thanks
Hi @ma77yd07ca1m , thanks a lot for the spindump.
Now the case is clear, the vstscannermaster is stuck in an endless recursion. Please have a look in the folder
Inside that folder is an item called VST3 which is actually a symbolic link to the VST3 folder you are currently in. As the vstscannermaster goes through the file tree, that link recurses to always the same VST3 folder, thus the scanner never comes to an end.
Please delete that symbolic link, kill any process with VST in the name and then try again starting Dorico
Yes that worked! Dorico is now launching correctly. Thank you, Ulf!
Hey Ulf,
Thanks for the response. There is nothing in t //Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Components folder
I do have a copious amount of plugins; I use a UA interface and have hundreds of other third party ones.
Okay, thanks for that @chapman.welch .
How about the directory
what is all in there? If you could make a file listing or screenshot, that’d be great. Thanks
Thanks, Ulf
Here’s the file list. I’ll also send what’s in the nested folders in just a sec;
chapmanwelch@Macintosh-2 VST3 % ls -a
. RX 6 De-plosive.vst3
… RX 6 De-reverb.vst3
.DS_Store RX 6 Monitor.vst3
A-B Format Converter.vst3 RX 6 Mouth De-click.vst3
Airwindows Consolidated.vst3 RX 6 Spectral De-noise.vst3
Archetype Cory Wong.vst3 RX 6 Voice De-noise.vst3
Archetype Tim Henson.vst3 RX 7 Breath Control.vst3
Eventide RX 7 Connect.vst3
Excalibur.vst3 RX 7 De-click.vst3
FabFilter Micro.vst3 RX 7 De-clip.vst3
FabFilter One.vst3 RX 7 De-crackle.vst3
FabFilter Pro-C 2.vst3 RX 7 De-ess.vst3
FabFilter Pro-DS.vst3 RX 7 De-hum.vst3
FabFilter Pro-G.vst3 RX 7 De-plosive.vst3
FabFilter Pro-L 2.vst3 RX 7 De-reverb.vst3
FabFilter Pro-MB.vst3 RX 7 Monitor.vst3
FabFilter Pro-Q 2.vst3 RX 7 Mouth De-click.vst3
FabFilter Pro-Q 3.vst3 RX 7 Spectral De-noise.vst3
FabFilter Pro-R.vst3 RX 7 Voice De-noise.vst3
FabFilter Saturn.vst3 SPL Transient Designer.vst3
FabFilter Simplon.vst3 Steinberg
FabFilter Timeless 2.vst3 Stutter Edit 2.vst3
FabFilter Twin 2.vst3 Universal Audio
FabFilter Volcano 2.vst3 VPROM.vst3
Fold.vst3 WaveShell-VST 7.0.vst3
Fortin Cali Suite.vst3 WaveShell-VST 9.0.vst3
Listento-Receiver.vst3 iZotope BreakTweaker.vst3
Listento.vst3 iZotope DDLY Dynamic Delay.vst3
Melodyne.vst3 iZotope Insight.vst3
Nectar 3 Elements.vst3 iZotope Iris 2.vst3
NeuralAmpModeler.vst3 iZotope Meter Tap.vst3
Neutrino.vst3 iZotope Nectar Elements.vst3
Neutron 3 Elements.vst3 iZotope RX 5 Connect.vst3
OSCar.vst3 iZotope RX 5 De-click.vst3
Ozone 9 Elements.vst3 iZotope RX 5 De-clip.vst3
Ozone Imager.vst3 iZotope RX 5 De-crackle.vst3
PhoenixVerb.vst3 iZotope RX 5 De-hum.vst3
R2.vst3 iZotope RX 5 De-noise.vst3
RX 6 Connect.vst3 iZotope RX 5 De-reverb.vst3
RX 6 De-click.vst3 iZotope RX 5 Dialogue De-noise.vst3
RX 6 De-clip.vst3 iZotope RX 5 Monitor.vst3
RX 6 De-crackle.vst3 iZotope Trash 2.vst3
RX 6 De-ess.vst3 soothe.vst3
RX 6 De-hum.vst3 soothe2.vst3
I can’t make another reply due to my ‘newness’ so I also have several Eventide plugins (TriceraChorus, Blackhole, etc.). These shouldn’t be a problem, but I want to be thorough.
Hi @chapman.welch , thanks very much, that’s enough for now.
And actually the Eventide plugs are a bit suspicious, they happened to be troublemakers quite often recently.
I suggest following:
- Navigate to /Library/Audio/Plug-ins again rename temporarily the VST3 folder to something else like e.g. _VST3.
- Start Dorico again, what does happen? Does it launch until the Hub window?
- If yes, then rename the _VST3 folder again to it’s normal name.
- Temporarily move the whole Eventide and WaveShell plug-ins out of the folder, e.g. to the Desktop
- Start Dorico again, what’s happening?
Hey Ulf,
I renamed the VST 3 to _VST 3 like you suggested and Dorico started, but told me some components needed to be downloaded (as expected). Removed both Eventide and nuked WaveShell and Dorico would no longer open.
Diagnostic attached. Thanks, this is the first time I’ve seen Dorico load!
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (485.6 KB)
Hey Ulf,
I think I have it figured out. It finally gave me pop-up windows for the VSTs that weren’t authorized. They were from Oeksound (soothe) and Neural DSP. I removed those, and it works now!
Thanks for all the help!
Ah, excellent! Great you could find the culprits yourself.
Hey everyone,
I thought I had navigated the same issue by deleting unauthorized plugins (demos that were still there), however now the problem is back. Attached you’ll find my diagnostics report. Dorico crashes roughly 2-3 times a day, especially after exporting audio from the project.
I’m on a Macbook M1 Pro with 32GB Ram. Enough headroom according to the VSL playback engine via Noteperformer (using around 3-4GB at most).
( Since I was on a deadline and worked heavily with Dorico Pro 5 for the last three weeks, I’ll do a deeper analysis post once I find the time. There were some issues that I encountered along the way.)
Thanks in advance,
241001 Dorico Diagnostics.zip (1.9 MB)
Hi @kaanbulak , when you say Dorico crashes, does it really crash or just becomes unresponsive?
In the diagnostics I can only see one crash file and that is from the audio engine; the crash happened while exporting audio. Depending on what you do, Dorico thereafter sooner or later becomes unresponsive because it tries to talk with a non-existing audio engine.
When Dorico becomes unresponsive, could you please take a spindump via the Activity Monitor app and post here? Thanks
@dspreadbury , since the topic here is about Dorico not even starting up, I think Kaan’s posting should move to a separate thread.
Upgraded to Dorico 5 and also not able to open program. Have tried reinstallation of Groove Agent and Halion Sonic. Neither helped. Start the Dorico app and cycles until “wait for audio engine” and then it say “Audio engine process died” — then window opens that says “Dorico cannot connect to the audio engine. The application will now quit”
Not sure if this is useful… but did find VSTAudioEngine logs for all these crashes. They look like this…
============================================== 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : ============================================== 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Dorico 5 AudioEngine - Version Version 5.6.42 Build 5 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : UserName: SoundsLikeJoe 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : ComputerName: STUDIO_DAW 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : PlatformName: Win64 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : OSName: Windows 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : OSVersion: 10.0.22631 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : AppFullPath: C:/Program Files/Steinberg/Dorico5/VSTAudioEngine/VSTAudioEngine5.exe 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Init Protection... 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Start scanning VST3 Plugins... 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Use WinRT MIDI 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Init Skin... 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Find Local Modules... 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (1): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : Baios 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : Asio Manager 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Tech 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (2): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : Baios 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : Device Manager Factory 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Tech 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (3): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : Service 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : ExceptionDumper 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (4): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : Service 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : Media Service 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Media Technologies 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 0.9.3 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (5): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : Service 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : VST 2.x Plug-In Manager 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Media Technologies 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : VST 3.6.6 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (6): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : AudioFileHandler 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : MPEG 1 Layer 3 (Fraunhofer) 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Media Technologies 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 1.0 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (7): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : AudioFileHandler 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : FLAC 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Media Technologies 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 1.0 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Component ---------- (8): 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Categ. : AudioFileHandler 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Name : OggVorbis 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vendor : Steinberg Media Technologies 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SubCat.: 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : Vers. : 2024-10-14 17:29:02 : SDK : 1.0 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : Processing Precision: 4 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Initialising client Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42 with senderID Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.427E4C84AE26F347B6AA637F96FCC14501 allows multiple: false 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: License Engine is running 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Sending ping to License Engine 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: ping response received in Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.427E4C84AE26F347B6AA637F96FCC14501: from silk service 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Connecting client Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42 with senderID Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.427E4C84AE26F347B6AA637F96FCC14501 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Got client connect response 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Initialising client Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42 with senderID Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42454864C761234D09AA1B61D7B0CBAC76 allows multiple: true 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: License Engine is running 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Sending ping to License Engine 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: ping response received in Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42454864C761234D09AA1B61D7B0CBAC76: from silk service 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Connecting client Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42 with senderID Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.42454864C761234D09AA1B61D7B0CBAC76 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Got client connect response 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : Init Protection Ok 2024-10-14 17:29:03 : License Info: Start license consume requestID 0 for 1 app features (immediateReturn = false): Dorico Pro Features 5
Hi @SoundsLikeJoe , please do the following:
Go to C:\Program Files\Common files\ and there rename the folders
Steinberg\Shared Components
to something else, for example __VST, etc.
If you then start up Dorico, how is it behaving ?
If it starts up until the Hub window, the next step comes:
Stop Dorico and rename the Shared Components folder back to it’s original name and yet again, start Dorico and see how it behaves. You repeat this for all those 3 folders and by that find out in which of those 3 folders is some “rotten” plug-in.
Once that is known, you continue with renaming again the “rotten” folder and also creating a new empty folder with the original name. Now you take half of the plug-ins from the renamed folder and put them in the new folder, start Dorico again. If success, move half of the remaining plug-ins to the new folder again. If no success, move half from the new folder back to the other, renamed folder. You see the principle, with always dividing to half you can relatively quickly find out the “rotten” plug-ins. Thanks
I renamed VST3, VST2, and Shared Components folders but the startup error remains the same.
Hm, that is not what I expected. Then let’s do something more fundamental:
Please go to C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Dorico5\VSTAudioEngine and there do a double click on the VSTAudioEngine5.exe
Then a little splash screen shall appear and disappear after a few seconds again. By means of the TaskManager you should be able to find the VSTAudioEngine process in the list of background processes. Can you find it, is it marked as not repsonding? Are there more background tasks with “vst” in their names?
The VSTAudioEngine5 splash screen does start. Then hangs at Initializing: Finish scanning VST3 Plugins…
I tried this yesterday, and it did not finish. Today the process did complete. Starting Dorico 5 created a new splash screen experience, with “wait for audio engine initialization” and after some time a WARNING window that says "The audio engine is taking longer than expected to respond… " and I choose Continue to Wait several times. After 220 seconds the Splash screen disappeared but the program did not start. Continue to wait warning will occasionally pop-up. Dorico is still listed in Background Processes.
After a few minutes of this, I choose terminate and it generated this zip file for diagnostics.