Dorico hyphens

I am using Dorico 5 Pro. When I input English words, hyphens are not entered. I am Korean.

Welcome to the forum, @Nohoodo !

Are you expecting Dorico to automatically add hyphens to words? That’s not how it works — you need to type a hyphen where you want it, and then Dorico will advance to the next note.

For example, if you wanted to set the word “morning” to two notes, you would:

  • Select the first note
  • Open the lyrics popover with Shift+L
  • Type morn
  • Type a hyphen to advance to the next note
  • Type ing and hit return

Here’s the help page about entering lyrics:

It seems to be a Windows bug. I’m using Windows. It doesn’t happen on Mac. There are no symptoms on macOS. It happens on Windows. I used a translator.

Can you describe what you’re doing and what you think is wrong? I’m on Windows, and lyrics seem to be working correctly.

If the problem appears platform-specific, it is very probably due to the Input Method Editor (IME). What IME are you using? If you want to type lyrics in a Latin script, make sure you have an appropriate IME chosen.

It sounds like this isn’t the issue you’re encountering here, but just in case it’s relevant, there’s another setting for hyphens/extender lines that you might encounter:

Sorry. I’m Korean. I’m not Japanese. I don’t use Korean when I input lyrics. I input English lyrics.

What IME do you have chosen in Windows? This page on Microsoft’s site provides information about Input Method Editors.

I did as you said. I typed morn-ing. But it doesn’t work. Thank you.

@Nohoodo, are you able to say which IME you are using in Windows? Sorry for repeating myself, but this is a really critical question: the behaviour of the keyboard is completely different depending on which IME you are using.